Classroom Discipline

I firmly believe that life-long success depends on self-discipline. To help each student in my class continually develop the skills they need I will be using a Classroom Discipline Plan that affords every student the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior. Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for academic growth. Therefore, this plan will be in effect at all times. 

How I run my Love and Logic Classroom:
I will treat you with respect, so you will know how to treat me. 
Feel free to do anything that does not cause a problem for anyone else. 
If you cause a problem I will ask you to solve it. 
If you can’t solve a problem, or choose not to, I will do something.
What I do will depend on the person and the situation.
If you feel something is unfair let me know respectfully and we will talk about it.

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