Week of May 15, 2023

MATH/SCIENCE OLYMPIAD – We need volunteers to help judge the Math/Science Olympiad. If you are willing to help, please sign up below. Judging will be from 8:45 – 10:00 on Thursday the 18th.   Sign up for the Math/Science Olympiad. We need more volunteers!!!

ICE CREAM MULTIPLICATION PARTY – On Tuesday, May 23rd @ 2:20, we will be having our Multiplication Ice Cream Party. Students have been working hard to pass off their multiplication facts and earning their toppings for a banana sundae. I am also looking for volunteers, so if you would like to help out, please let me know.

THIRD GRADE FIELD DAY – Field Day is on Wednesday, the 24th.  Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. The address is 4529 S 4700 W, West Haven. It is about .8 of a mile from Quest Academy. We will need all parents to drop off their students at the park between 8:00–8:30.  After we are done at the park, we will walk back to Quest @ 11:45 and have lunch there.  The options for school lunch that  day will be a sandwich or an uncrustable.  If your child would like something else, please make sure you send them with a home lunch.  Please read through the permission form and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks – FIELD DAY PERMISSION FORM

 Quest Talent Show – Quest’s annual talent show will be held on Thursday, May 25th. Kindergarten and 1st grade will perform at 8:40am, 2nd and 3rd grade will perform at 9:15am, and 4th and 5th will perform at 9:50am. Students in the PM Kindergarten class will perform in the afternoon for their classmates (watch for an email from Ms. Monique). There are limited spots per grade level, so sign up quickly. Students will be selected on a first come, first served basis, and talents should be limited to 3 minutes or less. An email will be sent out if your child has been selected to participate in the talent show. Click here to sign up. Thanks!

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