Author Archives: amy.hadley

Week of February 12, 2024

Valentine’s Day Reminders The Valentines Treat Permission Form  needs to be completed to receive any Valentines with anything edible.There are 26 students in our class. If your student brings Valentines to pass out make sure there are enough for everyone.Please do NOT have … Continue reading

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Week of February 5, 2024

I loved meeting with everyone at Parent Teacher Conferences, so thank you for taking the time to meet with me. You have wonderful children and I consider myself lucky to be their teacher! Important Dates: Feb. 14th – Valentines Day – Valentine Treat … Continue reading

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Week of January 28, 2024

The time has come…PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES ARE THIS WEEK!! Your student is preparing a presentation for YOU! Please sign up ASAP if you haven’t already. Please also make sure your student attends the conference with you! Jan. 31st – Feb. 1st … Continue reading

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Week of January 22, 2024

Aquarium Field Trip This Week! Make sure your child is at school on time (once the buses arrive we will NOT be able to wait for late students)Make sure your child is dressed for the weather (we will be eating lunch outside)All students need … Continue reading

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Week of January 8, 2024

Important Dates: Jan. 15th – NO SCHOOL – Martin Luther King Jr. DayJan. 24th –Field Trip to Loveland Living Planet AquariumJan. 26th – Dollar Dress Down DayJan. 31st – Feb. 1st  – Parent Teacher Conference, Early Out @ 1:10Feb. 2nd – No School – Teacher Work … Continue reading

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Week of January 2, 2024

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I am so excited for our return tomorrow and I hope you had an enjoyable break. I know that the children are excited about the gifts they received, but I am requesting that all toys and gifts … Continue reading

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Week of December 11, 2023

Our wonderful students are working hard to earn their hearts for our Grinch party. Remember, each student has been working to earn 3 hearts and these hearts represent RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY & KINDNESS. We will be holding our Grinch party on Friday, Dec. … Continue reading

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Grinch Party

We will be holding our 3rd Grade Grinch party on Friday, Dec. 15th. This party is a favorite for most third graders because it is done as an entire grade. We will need help from 8:00 – 10:30. If you … Continue reading

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Week of November 27, 2023

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!  As I have thought about the things I am thankful for, my amazing students were always at the top of my thankful list.  Thank you for the amazing school year so … Continue reading

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Week of November 13, 2023

One week until Thanksgiving Break, but who’s counting! 🙂 We have a week that is cram packed full of learning, so please make sure that your child is here everyday. REINDEER RUN: We are excited for our upcoming Annual Reindeer … Continue reading

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