Field Trip Next Week

The parent volunteers that were randomly selected for our field trip to This is the Place Heritage Park, on September 22, 2016, are:
parent of Carson Bailey
parent of Mike Ralphs
parent of Desi Blackner

Thank you so much for being willing to chaperone!  Please let me know as soon as possible if something comes up and you will not be able to attend the field trip.

We will be leaving for Salt Lake very shortly after school begins.  Please make sure to have your student to school on time.

For the field trip, each student will need to bring a home lunch and carry it in their backpacks.  Microwaves will not be available.

Students should be dressed in school uniform and appropriately for the weather.  Please send your child in sturdy walking shoes as well.
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Fieldtrip Permission

Permission Form
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Loveland Living Planet Aquarium

Aquarium Slideshow

heck out these cute kids learning about the water cycle, animal adaptations and “how to pet a snake!”
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Door Decor

We are each unique and beautiful, but together we are a masterpiece!
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Note to Parents:

Blog Subscription

Even if you had previously subscribed, please enter your email and click SUBSCRIBE in the bottom right hand corner. The subscription link has changed, and anyone signed up under the old link will not receive emails.  Please note that homework will be posted via my blog as well as other important information and updates. In order to stay connected with our class, it is very important that you subscribe. 

 Class Dojo

 Our class is using Class Dojo as a behavior monitoring system.  If you haven’t downloaded the app and joined our class I would strongly encourage you to do so.  The students are rewarded for good behavior and earn Brag Tags, beads, and prizes.  Occasionally, if a class rule is broken, the student receives a negative point.  If I feel the negative mark needs further explanation, I will attach a note to that point.  Please check this app frequently to see how your student is behaving in our classroom.  You may also communicate or “chat” with me easily through this application.

 Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful children with me! They are delightful!



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Free Dress Down Short Day!

Tomorrow, Friday, August 26 will be a short day AND a FREE dress down day.  (Dismiss at 1:00 pm)
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Join us at the Splash Bash!

image (2)
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Welcome to 4th Grade!

Apples-04I’m so happy that you’re here! We are going to have a great year together!
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