Important End of Year Information!

Multiplication Ice Cream Party – On Tuesday, May 24th, our third graders will be celebrated for all of their hard work for memorizing their multiplication facts. Please make sure that you are practicing these facts with your child everyday. Each child will have the opportunity to pass these facts off leading up to the party. Each fact that is passed off earns your child a piece of our ice cream party. Passing off all multiplication facts earns your child a full banana split. Please work with your child at home on these facts!!

Important Dates:

  • May 20th – Quest Under the Stars @ 5:00 p.m. – All of the 3rd grade classes have been growing tomato seeds that spent 6 weeks on the International Space Station. We are recording data on their growth and submitting it to NASA. How cool is that?!? Our tomatoes will be on display during Quest Under the Stars.
  • May 24th – Multiplication Ice Cream Party
  • May 25th – 3rd Grade Field Day Trip – Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. Please click here of the permission form. We have spots for only a few parents to volunteer for this activity. A Sign-Up Genius form will be sent out for volunteer opportunities.
  • May 26th & 27th – Short Days and the 27th is the last day of school
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Week of May 9

We made it through the first week of May. YAY!! Our schedule last week was full a practice testing and reviewing for our upcoming RISE test. We start on Monday. Please make sure that your child is getting a good nights sleep and a good breakfast each morning.

Multiplication Ice Cream Party – On Tuesday, May 24th, our third graders will be celebrated for all of their hard work for memorizing their multiplication facts. Please make sure that you are practicing these facts with your child everyday. Each child will have the opportunity to pass these facts off leading up to the party. Each fact that is passed off earns your child a piece of our ice cream party. Passing off all multiplication facts earns your child a full banana split. Please work with your child at home on these facts!!

Important Dates:

  • May 9th – 12th – RISE ELA End of Level Testing @ 10:15 & End of Level DAZE Test
  • May 16th – 18th – RISE MATH End of Level Testing @ 8:50 & End of Level Dibels Test (Reading)
  • May 20th – Quest Under the Stars @ 5:00 p.m. – All of the 3rd grade classes have been growing tomato seeds that spent 6 weeks on the International Space Station. We are recording data on their growth and submitting it to NASA. How cool is that?!? Our tomatoes will be on display during Quest Under the Stars.
  • May 24th – Multiplication Ice Cream Party
  • May 25th – 3rd Grade Field Day Trip – Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. This activity is a field trip, so a permission form will be sent out soon. We will also need some amazing parent volunteers to help with this day. You can sign up to volunteer on your child’s permission form.
  • May 26th & 27th – Short Days and the 27th is the last day of school


KEEP UP THE READING!!! This link has amazing opportunities for summer reading programs. There are so many ways students can earn prizes for all of the reading they do. 🙂 A printed version went home with students last week.
Thank you! Happy Summer Reading!!!
 Summer Reading

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Barnes & Noble.  This is a great program because all the students have to do is read 8 books, record the title & author on a journal & take the journal into the store once completed and they get to choose a free book.  They’ve changed it a bit this year, only accepting the journals in the month of August but they’ve also given a great list of books to read for the summer by age group.

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Week of May 2

Oh my goodness! We are now into May and that means that there are very few days left. We have so much to get done in this short amount of time, so please make sure that your child is here everyday. Below is a list of important dates that are coming up. If you have any questions, or concerns, feel free to contact me.

For math and reading this week, we will be reviewing. We will also be practicing the Rise test everyday.

Important Dates:

  • THIS WHOLE WEEK – End of Level I-Ready Diagnostic Test
  • May 9th – 12th – RISE ELA End of Level Testing @ 10:15 & End of Level DAZE Test
  • May 16th – 18th – RISE MATH End of Level Testing @ 8:50 & End of Level Dibels Test (Reading)
  • May 20th – Quest Under the Stars @ 5:00 p.m. – All of the 3rd grade classes have been growing tomato seeds that spent 6 weeks on the International Space Station. We are recording data on their growth and submitting it to NASA. How cool is that?!? Our tomatoes will be on display during Quest Under the Stars.
  • May 25th – 3rd Grade Field Day Trip – Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. This activity is a field trip, so a permission form will be sent out soon. We will also need some amazing parent volunteers to help with this day. You can sign up to volunteer on your child’s permission form.
  • May 26th & 27th – Short Days and the 27th is the last day of school.
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Week of April 25

Alright! It is crunch time. We will finish up our last math lesson and our last ELA lesson this week!! HOLY COW?!? Where did our time go? Just because we are finishing up our whole groups lessons does not mean that it is just play time. We have so much review that needs to happen before we are ready for the end of level tests. We start these tests the second week in May. Please see below for the dates. We started this week taking practice tests and we quickly realized that many students do not have good working headphones. Please make sure that your child has headphones, that plug into the computer, with them everyday.

Important Dates:

  • May 2nd – 6th – End of Level I-Ready Diagnostic Test
  • May 9th – 12th – RISE ELA End of Level Testing @ 10:15
  • May 16th – 18th – RISE MATH End of Level Testing @ 8:50 & End of Level Dibels Test (Reading)

MATH: We will start working on area and perimeter this week. Below is the family letter and on the second page, there is an activity to help students with area and perimeter. You are not required to do the activity, it’s just a suggestion if you’d like your child to practice at home.

ELA: This week we’re working on Unit 5 Week 5 in our Wonders book. We will be also taking our last Wonders Unit test. Below is an outline of what we will be learning.

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Week of April 18

This week we will start our benchmark tests. This is a practice test for the end of level Rise test. This data will be used to know what my kids still need practice on. If you have any questions about these practice test, please let me know.

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, the 19th – ELECTRONIC S PARTY
  • Tuesday, the 19th – Spring Picture Day – See Below for Details
  • May 9th – 12th – RISE End of Level Testing @ 10:15
  • May 16th – 18th – RISE End of Level Testing @ 8:50
Picture Day is Coming Soon!
Quest Academy
Tues, April 19, 2022
Prepay Code: QuestAcadSpring22
To preview package options and prepay online, CLICK HERE

MATH – MULTIPLICATION! MULTIPLICATION! MULTIPLICATION!! – I hope that got your attention. Your child cannot learn their multiplication facts without help from home. Please make sure that you are quizzing your child on these facts. You can buy cheap multiplication flash cards at many different stores, or you can create your own using index cards. Students in 3rd grade are required to have their 0-10 multiplication facts memorized before entering 4th grade. I have been quizzing students on their facts and they need to pass off 10 facts in a minute. Please take time every night to practice multiplication facts with your child.

We will start working on area and perimeter this week. Below is the family letter and on the second page, there is an activity to help students with area and perimeter. You are not required to do the activity, it’s just a suggestion if you’d like your child to practice at home.

ELA: This week we’re working on Unit 5 Week 4 in our Wonders book. Below is an outline of what we will be learning.

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Spring Pictures

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Week of April 11

WELCOME BACK!! I hope everyone had a fabulous and restful spring break. Now that spring break is behind us we have so much to do and so little time. Please really try hard to have your child here everyday. We have end of level testing coming up the first few weeks in May and we will be doing tons of review to prepare us for the Rise test. We will start practicing the Rise test, starting this week, and the following weeks after. I do this so the kids get used to taking the state test. If you have any questions, or concerns about this test, please let me know.

Important Dates:

  • May 9th – 12th – RISE End of Level Testing @ 10:15
  • May 16th – 18th – RISE End of Level Testing @ 8:50

MATH – MULTIPLICATION! MULTIPLICATION! MULTIPLICATION!! – I hope that got your attention. Your child cannot learn their multiplication facts without help from home. Please make sure that you are quizzing your child on these facts. You can buy cheap multiplication flash cards at many different stores, or you can create your own using index cards. Students in 3rd grade are required to have their 0-10 multiplication facts memorized before entering 4th grade. I have been quizzing students on their facts and they need to pass off 10 facts in a minute. Please take time every night to practice multiplication facts with your child.

We will continue were we left off before spring break and that is working on elapsed time. Below is the family letter and on the second page, there is an activity to help students with fractions. You are not required to do the activity, it’s just a suggestion if you’d like your child to practice at home.

ELA: This week we’re working on Unit 5 Week 3 in our Wonders book. Below is an outline of what we will be learning.

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West Haven Easter Egg Hunt

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Week of March 28

I am so excited because our field trip is this week. We will be going to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium on Tuesday and here is our schedule for the day. We will be in the classroom at 8:30 to pass out school lunches. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR CHILD IS ON TIME AS WE CANNOT WAIT FOR LATE STUDENTS!!! Please make sure that your child brings a backpack to carry their lunch and a jacket. The weather for that day will be cloudy with a chance of wind and rain. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately and in their school uniform. We will be loading the buses approximately at 8:50. Our first stop will be Galena Hills Park, 12500 So. Galena Park Blvd, in Draper. We will be arriving at this park around 10:00 to eat an early lunch. We will then board the bus around 10:40 to head to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium for our reservation @ 11:00. We will spend a couple of hours exploring and having the time of our lives. At 12:50 we will make our way back to the buses and head back to the school. We will arrive back to Quest around 2:15. Because we ate an early lunch, we will be having popcorn as a snack when we get back to school. I do have food permission for all students, however if you have a problem with this, please let me know.

TO ALL VOLUNTEER PARENTS: If you have not paid the office your $10.00 field trip fee, by Monday, you will have to pay full price at the aquarium.

Important Dates:

  • Tuesday, March 29th – Third Grade Field Trip
  • April 4th-8th – No School! Spring Break!

MATH – MULTIPLICATION! MULTIPLICATION! MULTIPLICATION!! – Please take time every night to practice multiplication facts with your child.

This week we will be working on time. Below is the family letter and on the second page, there is an activity to help students with fractions. You are not required to do the activity, it’s just a suggestion if you’d like your child to practice at home.

ELA: This week we’re working on Unit 5 Week 2 in our Wonders book. Below is an outline of what we will be learning.

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Week of March 21

Our field trip to the aquarium is getting closer and I am so excited! If you have not done so, please make sure that you fill out the permission form for our field trip. The permission form and money are due on Monday, March 21st! Here is the link with all of the details and the permission form: Field Trip Permission Form

Important Dates:

  • Monday, March 21st – Money/Permission Form Due for the Field Trip
  • Friday, March 25th – Dollar Dress Down Day
  • Tuesday, March 29th – Third Grade Field Trip
  • April 4th-8th – No School! Spring Break!

MATH: This week we will be working on measuring length and plot the data in line plots. Below is the family letter and on the second page, there is an activity to help students with fractions. You are not required to do the activity, it’s just a suggestion if you’d like your child to practice at home.

ELA: This week we’re working on Unit 5 Week 1 in our Wonders book. Below is an outline of what we will be learning.

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