February 21 Snow Day

Quest Families,

As many of you are aware, there are winter warnings and advisories about today’s and tomorrow’s winter storm. The recommendation has been to avoid commuting or traveling tomorrow morning, as the roads are predicted to be unsafe. Due to these advisories and the distance many of our families and employees travel to attend Quest, students will be learning from home tomorrow.

Students are welcome to email teachers with any questions they have regarding their posted assignments.

Elementary students have learning packets that were sent home previously to provide learning from home in these situations. However, please watch for additional resources to come home today with Q1 students. Their teachers will be contacting you shortly via their blogs or email.

Mrs. Clark’s class will not be using these packets (yet). We will save those for another snow day.

Our class work is:

40 iMath and 40 iRead. You have to pass at least one lesson or keep working until 60 mins. At 60 mins of trying to pass the lesson, you can stop and we can go over them when I see you. You took home your QR Codes today 😉

Math workbook pages are review Lesson #18 Refine. If you were here, you have them. They went home in your hands. If you were absent, you need to print these out or write out the answers.

ELA work pages are a vocab sheet from the YOUR TURN book. Read for 20 minutes to an adult. Remember our classroom novel is due at the end of the week.

Science work is: Science slides for Unit #1, Unit #2, and Unit #3. They should already be about done. This shouldn’t take too long. Make sure they are AWESOME!

Writing work is: Create a PIXTON about WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! WHY ARE YOU MISSING SCHOOL TODAY??? I can’t wait to share these with our class after the storm. No more then 10 slides 😉


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