ELA Goals

Dear Parents –

Students were given their Acadiance scores, aka Dibels today. I had them track them in their trackers (you will see what that is shortly). Then I had them make a personal ELA goal for this quarter. Please, discuss with your child, how they can keep improving on the area they picked. Some ideas:

* Reading at home for 30 minutes a night, some of the time out loud.

*Practice reading in class.

*DYAD read at home with an older sibling or parent.

*Read books on the correct lexile.

*Pay close attention to spelling sounds and patterns during weekly spelling.

Thank you so much for your support, if you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Mrs. Young

ELA Goal Form:

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Picture Day : September 1

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Back to School NIGHT! Videos

Please watch these videos to get an idea of what my classroom is all about. AND to meet me!

(New) Power Point – Back to School

Meet Mrs. Young

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Welcome BACK! 2020- 2021 – Time to REBOOT and RECHARGE!

Hello 5th GRADERS:
Well, as far as I know, we will be starting school in August. I HOPE, it will be in person saying hi to all you cute gals and pals…I LOVE to teach and I love to LEARN. This year I will do my best to have a safe, healthy, and motivated learning environment. But it isn’t just me who has to work hard, I need the help of your wonderful guardians, and most important – YOU! 
I want you to continue learning and growing during the summer… keep your body moving, you mind working, and making personal goals for yourself. If you aren’t changing, your not growing. SO first, READ READ READ READ!!! Anything and find out what you like to to read. If it is picture books, novels, fiction, nonfiction… explore… THE WORLD IS your OYSTER! I will explain that later.
AFTER that…. get OUTSIDE… get DIRTY… don’t tell your parents I said that. LOL… but YES DIRTY!!! Enjoy our beautiful UTAH habitat. BE a scientist and explore around and discover new things. Finally, think about what your strengths were last year… and Your WEAKNESSES… with that… be ready to make a personal goal for yourself in my classroom. It might be to make a new friend and open up more, or it could be read every night 20 minutes…. or it could be take better notes. Whatever the goal we will strive to accomplish it.
We will be starting with a Harry Potter theme this year. Each of you will be separated into your houses during back to school night. The houses will help motivate you to do your work during the week and strive for you own personal journey to success! 
I hope you have a wonderful summer. Stay safe and healthy. I will see you soon. Thank goodness we are on the tale end of 2020… I am expecting 2021 to be MUCH better. LOL But let’s end this year with a bang… figuratively, not literally. xoxoxo
Mrs. Young
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Testing Week:

Google Meet Code: young2020
Math Google Meet: 9:30 am
ELA Google Meet: 11:00 am

Math Google Meet: 9:30 am
ELA Google Meet: 11:00 am

Math Google Meet: 9:30 am
ELA Google Meet: 11:00 am

Math Google Meet: 9:30 am
ELA Google Meet: 11:00 am

* The meets will go for a half hour. Then I will have everyone leave and take an hour break. Then, come back on at 11 for another half hour. We are only doing a half hour each day for each subject on iReady diagnostic. Please make sure your student has a quiet environment to work during this time. That they have writing materials and are able to have their camera on so I can monitor them during the test. I would like them not to have food or any other distractions around while they are testing.
There will be NO OTHER work assigned during this week. The test will measure the growth they made from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. On a the student’s personal note, it will earn them points for their houses too. This is the final part of school. If your student finishes the test earlier than Thursday. They do NOT need to attend the next days google meets for that subject.

FRIDAY: Will be Virtual Field Day:
Google Meet with my class privately will be held at 10 am – 11 am: say goodbyes and write on seesaw together like a virtual year book. 11 am – 12pm will be a time for them to pop into other teacher’s google classrooms for other fun activities if they choose to. It is not a mandatory day at all. Just a fun day to say good-bye.

The next week will be dropping off their chrome books to the school and PICKING UP their materials from the school. Admin will send out an email soon for pick up/drop off schedules.

THANK YOU, for this year. It has been an amazing adventure. I have enjoyed the smiles and hugs that each  of your children have shared with me. I miss them greatly and my heart aches when I don’t see their cute faces in my classroom. I pray this ,will hopefully, never happens again in my lifetime and that all of you are safe and healthy at home. Much love and support has been given to me at the school and from your homes. I am sincerely appreciative of everything you have done for me.
Mrs. Young

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Final Schedule:

May 11 – 15 : Last week of normal schedule with math and ELA. We will finish up our math standards and our book “Tuck Everlasting”. There will be a math test and reading test on Friday. They will go on grades.
(NO MORE classwork or assignments will be given out after Thursday.)

May 18 -21: Diagnostic Testing on iReady. Students will need to log on to our google meet and check in @ 9:30 am. Then they will get on their diagnostic on iReady (math). They should be in a quiet environment. With writing materials; pencil/paper. After 30 minutes I will have them stop and take a break. They will need to check back in the google meet at 11:00 am. Again, have the quiet environment for them to take the reading diagnostic on iReady. These tests are expected to take a couple of hours. We stretch them out. For most students it will take 2 days. If your child finishes the test early they do NOT need to attend the sessions all week. If anyone is not done by the fourth day. I will make other accommodations.
Again meet times to test: 9:30 am – math, and 11:00 am – ELA

Friday, May 22: Class Goodbyes Google Meet: 10 am
Virtual Field Day: 11 am

Monday, May 25 – NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, May 26 – 28: Pick up/ Drop off Chromebooks
ALL 5th grade will need to watch for an email by administration for their pick up times. I have ALL materials from their desks, prizes, and good-bye notes for them to pick up. 

It has been a wild ride this year, but I wouldn’t have wanted to do it with any other class. Your children have left their footprints on my heart. This was an amazing group. Full of spirited learners and great future leaders of our wonderful world. I love them all and can’t wait to see what the future holds for them. I know they will make this world a better place.
Also, thank you to YOU wonderful parents. I could not have done any of this year without the great support you have given me. It truly is a pyramid of learning and without you… it isn’t possible. THANK YOU!
Mrs. Young

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THANK YOU ( I miss you soooo much!)

It was great seeing those of you who could make it to the parade. I love seeing your cute faces on google meet and I LOVE the dedication and hard work you are putting forth at home. I know this is NOT easy, but you have faced it with strength and determination. 
Mrs. Young
Teacher Appreciation Parade

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New Google Meet Times: Starting – Monday, May 4

Math – 9:30 AM
ELA – 11: 00 AM
EXTRA math help – 9:50 AM

Class Discussions are very important during a novel reading. I noticed on Friday how it helped and benefited  students to hear each other’s comments and insight on the book. So from here on out, we will meet at the same time. I will still have extra math time for those who need it too.
If anyone is unsure about this or has problems with the new schedule, please email me privately. Thank you so much for your help and hard work at home. You are all great and I am grateful to have you in my class this year.

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Student Council: Votes are in! It was a very tight race, from what I heard.

Here are all of the election results, you may post them anytime you would like: 
Thank you to all of you who ran for next year’s student council, there were so many amazing candidates!


Student Body President- Judson Murdock
Student Body Vice President- JJ Ruiz

9th Grade Student Council:
Leonardo Ballard
Aydan Tuy
Kiya Odekirk
David Johnson
Avery Nelson

8th Grade Student Council:
Sam Crimin
Abby Christensen
Ramon Corona
Karlos Strain
Cole Duckworth
Corbin Gainsforth

7th Grade Student Council:
Summer Smith
Aaron Allman
Gracie Mullen
Aiden Mort
Claire Cummins

6th Grade Student Council:
Khloee Esplin
Colton Wright
London Shaw
Paisley Slater
Riley Christensen

~Allison Pfister
Quest Academy
8th Grade ELA Teacher & Student Council Advisor 
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2020-2021 Candidates

5th graders-
Khloee Esplin
London Shaw
Dea Lindstrom
Colton Wright
Madison Webster
Hurley Hamilton
Brynn Carson
Paisley Slater
Lexie Gardiner
Ava Tuy
Riley Christensen

If you made the Candidates then please follow Mrs. Pfister’s instructions below. If you do not know or understand what to do…. please email her at apfister@questac.org

Campaign Process: If you are selected as a final candidate, you will run your campaign April 20-24th. This will include the opportunity to introduce yourself in a campaign video that will be viewed by the entire 5th grade. This digital campaign video needs to be at least one minute, but no longer than three minutes in length. This is a clean campaign, no bribing voters, no unreasonable promises. You cannot refer to other candidates in your video, in speech, or on social media, and you will respect each other’s campaign. This is your chance to make yourself stand out. Have fun with it! Your campaign video will need to be approved by the Student Council Advisors and Administration on Monday, April 20th. Please email these videos to Mr. Cypers, gcypers@questac.org
If you have questions please check the 2020-2021 Student Council Elections Google Classroom or email Mrs. Pfister.  
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