Green Acres Field Trip

Permission Slip

Hello Parents-
The fifth grade is going on their first field trip of the year on Tuesday, October 19. We will leave the school at 9:30 and be back by lunch time. We do need 5 volunteers for this field trip. If you would like to help chaperone our groups, please click on the link below, Mrs. Young will email the first 5 volunteers. All chaperone volunteers will need to pay $5 to the Q1 office prior to the field trip to pay for their entry into Green Acres.
School uniform is still required, but dress appropriately for the weather. Please, do not send any money with your child. We will not be purchasing any items at the Corn Maze. This should be a fun, hands on, learning event for every student. It has been a long time since we have been able to do a field trip. We are so excited to jump back into hands on learning. Please read the form below carefully, and understand that typing your name is permission for them to go on this field trip.
Thank you,
Mrs. Young

PS – Just a reminder, please pay all donations for the students at the Q1 office as well. Our prior note/email should explain those more explicitly.

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FIELD TRIP Donations!

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Week of Sept. 27 – Oct. 1

Dear Parents and Students –

Sorry this post is a little late this week. Hopefully, all fundraiser money and order forms are in, and you were able to sign up for the choir if you wanted to. The choir is still open if you want to fill the form out for joining.

We will be learning this week:

ELA – standard-“Author’s Point of View” – informational texts

ELA – strategy – rereading!!!

Phonics – r controlled vowels

Math – reviewing (Multi-digit multiplication) – new standard (dividing using a double digit divisor)

Writing – review (complete sentences) – new standard ( topic sentence in a paragraph)

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NEED a flu shot?

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PARTY – Vote for ONE! Friday, September 10!

Link to Vote

Permission Slip for Party!

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Aug. 30 – Sept. 3 “Weekly Learning”

Hello – We are starting our regular schedule. Here you will see what we are learning in ELA and in math. Soon I will be posting what we are learning in science.

ELA – Character, Setting, Plot

Phonics – Short Vowel sounds

Writing – Complete Sentences

Math – Understand Volume (Lesson 1 & 2)

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PICTURE DAY! – Tuesday, August 31

Dear Parents – Picture day is upon us! These pictures are available for purchase, but they MUST be in their School Uniforms. During the spring is when we do pictures with any outfit they choose. Thank you so much, if you have any questions, contact Ms. Stephanie in the office. She is amazing!


Mrs. Young

To prepay click here

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Important Upcoming Events and Dates

August: Back to School

  • Monday, August 16 – Back to School Night (6-8 pm)
  • Wednesday, August 18 – First Day of School ( short day schedule)
  • Wednesday – Friday, Aug. 18-20 (Short Day Schedule)
  • Tuesday, August 31 – Elementary School Pictures -(in uniform) for badges/yearbook

The First weeks of school are very crucial for my students. We are learning classroom/school procedures, signing in and getting familiar with all technology resources, and taking pre level tests to analyze where every student is at to help better teach and guide them and also to show progress through out the year.

Thank you for your help by getting your child to school everyday on time and ready to learn. School uniforms will need to be worn everyday (except Dollar Dress Down Fridays that will be announced in school and by the POQA)

If you have any questions about any upcoming events or supply lists or anything else, please do not hesitate. I will do my best and when I do not know an answer, I will direct you to someone who can help you. I can’t wait to meet and start off my new class year with my wonderful Warriors!


Mrs. Young

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Parent/ Child Information form 2021/2022

Here is the link for the upcoming year’s information form. As you realized, the email will not turn it into a link, but you can always click on them in the blog.


Mrs. Young

Information Form

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Read Aloud Books

Dear Parents and Students – One of our favorite times in class is during “Read Aloud”. In all my years teaching, this time is a time that almost 99.5% of my students love. This time is small, but allots a time that students can follow along, rest their heads, or finish up work while I read a chapter book aloud to the class. No questions, no talking, just enjoying a good book. It helps students to be introduced to new books and hopefully builds their love of reading. If you want to look at the list on my Read Aloud page and buy any books prior to the upcoming year, I guarantee they will be a great asset to any library at home. It will also help your children to understand and build their reading. It is NOT required they have the book to follow along, but if your child struggles with reading, having a book to follow can increase the benefit of this time during class.

I hope that everyone continues to read over the summer. I hear my own children “It is summer… why do we have to read?” but the benefits of LOVING to read and doing it as a hobby, will help them to be able to motivate themselves when they need to read to learn.

I can’t wait to start off the new year with my 2021 -2022 class. 5th Grade is an important year with LOTS of new standards and a huge stepping stone to prepare them for their JR. High and High School years. It won’t be easy, but definitely WORTH IT! Have a great rest of your summer!!

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