Summer TIME! – Read, have fun, READ, lay in the sun, and READ!

Hello my future students – I cannot wait to be your teacher for next year. We have some fun things planned for 5th grade and I, personally, have some FUN stuff that we are going to do this year as well. Of course, school is NOT all about kicks and giggles… hard work, learning, and growth HAS to happen, but if you have a good attitude IT makes the hard stuff BETTER!

Summer is the time for Wandering… I truly believe that, whether you can TRAVEL all around, in your state, city, or even just your neighborhood… get out and explore! Also, another way to “Wander” is to READ. Jumping into a GOOD book and leaving this world behind. Narnia, Fablehaven, Hogwarts, don’t forget, leaving the time period for a time or too, go to the future or the past! Reading opens so many doors for you and so much in your imagination.

If you do not LOVE to read, it is okay, I hated it too!~ SHOCKER~ but I learned to find books that I would enjoy and train myself to read books I didn’t like, but had to read for learning information. Discipline = Freedom! That is a HUGE lesson we will be working on this year too, while reading and following the “Warrior KID Code”. You are ALL going to become WARRIORS!

If you want a head start, here are a few tips and guides:

  1. Wake up early… not TOO early, it is summer… but don’t sleep till noon.
  2. Exercise = working out, playing a sport, hiking… whatever just MOVE that body!
  3. Read = put the phone, ps4, whatever DOWN and pick up a book to read.
  4. Math games = REFLEX, or some of IXL if you did it, don’t lose your skills over the summer.

These are a few ways to stay on track! See you soon Warriors! xoxoxo

Here are the items to come prepared with by the first day of school:

(Individual Items)

  • Headphones or earbuds – MUST fit in desk or I will send them home. (no bluetooth)
  • Pencil box or pocket
  • (2)folders – one (blue or red) the other (your CHOICE)
  • (3 ) spiral notebooks – you will probably need more later, but three is a good start.
  • crayons (24) ONLY
  • colored pencils (12) ONLY
  • Red Pen (1)
  • Highlighter pen (1)
  • BLACK whiteboard marker (1)
  • scissors – bigger than child’s but smaller than adult. (hope that makes sense) -please put name on it.

(PLEASE do NOT send extra items. I will send them home. We do NOT have room in desks for large trapper keepers or extra school supplies.) Thank you

CLASS supply list: – these items will be collected by the teacher and stored to use through out the year.

  • Whiteboard markers – pack of black or colored – Large not small
  • Glue Sticks – pack
  • clorox wipes
  • lysol spray
  • yellow #2 pencils
  • whiteboard eraser
  • extra dollar earbuds – this will help students who’s buds break and need to still hear the programs.
  • tissues

EXTRA items = (If you would like to donate any of these items through out the year, I am always VERY grateful)

  • board games / puzzles – for indoor recess
  • prizes – for store or rewards
  • BOOKs – any you don’t want, I will LOVE to keep for you!


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Click in the link and vote for the movie you earned for doing SO GREAT on your RISE / Dibels/ and Diagnostics!!!!

VOTE now

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FIELD Day – Thursday, May 27

Students will need to bring on FIELD day: towel, sunblock

We will be doing some fun activities where they will be eating snow cones, cotton candy, and using a bounce house with a slide option. Please read the permission slip carefully and then submit your answer and permission for your child.

All school items will be brought home PRIOR to Field Day. The last day of school will MAINLY be signing yearbooks, Mrs. Young’s goodbye, and a movie. They may need a bag to take their yearbooks home, and the little present Mrs. Young will give out… other than that…. they will not need anything. Thursday and Friday will be short day schedule. Please, pick your child up by 1:00 pm. Thank you

Field Day Permission Slip

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RISE / Dibels/ Diagnostic Permssion Slips

Dear Parents – I hope that my long email helped make sense of our crazy schedule this month. I have put ALL the permission slips below to sign for your child. Please, read each thoroughly and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me.

Thanks again,

Mrs. Young

Electronic Device – (permission slip)

Food/Treat during RISE – (permission slip)

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Student Council Interview Results:

We received the names of the 5th graders going into ROUND 2 for student council (for next year). The 6th grade student council representatives will be in contact with you and your parents. Congratulations, and Good Luck on the NEXT round.

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Here are the times for 5th grade interviews for Student Council. Be advised, the meeting is over at Q2 building. ON Monday, April 19… Dress to impress!

Good Luck! AND remember: have fun!

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April (Wow!)

We are in the final stretches! I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL spring BREAK! See you back to school on April 5, ready to finish up the rest of our 5th grade standards and READY for “End of Year” Testing!

I am so proud of our kids this year. They have worked hard, stayed positive, and powered through the unexpected challenges this year gave us.

*TUTORING CHANGE – Tutoring will be on Mondays, and Tuesdays – NOT Thursdays. Same time 3:00 – 3:30.

Emails will be sent out for PERSONAL invites, but anyone can attend the session. What is scheduled in the homework page will be the ONLY topic taught that tutoring session.

In MAY we will end Tutoring, unless a parent specifies and requests a time. We start testing in May and I do not want to overwhelm our students.

Testing Schedule:

  • May 3 – 7 = Dibels (aka Acadiance testing)
  • May 10 – 14 = RISE testing: Monday-Science, Tuesday – Writing, Wednesday-Reading, Thursday-Math, Friday – FINISH up!
  • May 17 – 21 = iReady (end of year Diagnostic) = to see final growth!

*WEEK of May 24 – 28 will be a week of cleaning up, and having some fun brain teasers. Field day, will also, be scheduled this week. – EARLY outs on 26, 27, 28.

*PLEASE plan accordingly for your child. Keep them on a schedule to have a good night rest, waking up with time to eat breakfast, and not feeling rushed. Thank you so much for your support!

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Upcoming Event and Yearbook Sales

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St. Patrick’s Day – At Quest!

So excited to see if any LEPRECHAUNS visit our classroom tomorrow!
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March Update! How are we doing?

Hello Parents and Students –

I thought I would give an update on how things are going, as we are in the final laps of the race, figuratively speaking.


  • iReady Math: Overall, our class is doing GREAT on Math iReady. I have 100% passing lessons above 50%. 57% are passing all their lessons at 80% or above. This is GREAT…I remind my students that their math iready path is set at THEIR individual level. That path is where they can go FASTER or slower, if needed. We are in the final stretches, I motivate as best I can in class… but finding out how your child is doing on iREADY math and reading will help motivate them.
  • Class Work : The students know this is (practice) and will help them score and master their standards on tests. Overall again, they are getting things done and working hard. I hope our individual conferences helped parents to know if their child was struggling to get work done. This is usually the time of year when kids want to slack off. I am going to try a few new things in class to motivate them. I want to thank parents who donated to our class prize box. We could use some more if anyone wants to donate holiday items, pencils, cheap earbuds, highlighters, those types of things. It will be a class store starting Monday till the end of the year now! Money is always a motivator!!! Thanks in advance!


  • Reading iReady is a little less awesome. Passing our lessons on reading has been a struggle. Mostly because the students don’t LOVE the material they are reading. Engagement and connection are key to comprehension. “The more you read the more you’ll know, the more you know the more places you’ll go” to quote Dr. Seuss. I don’t LOVE everything I read either, but I try to encourage my students to read for enjoyment at HOME and free time, but for work, they need to learn to power through subjects that are not always something that peaks their interest. Small group reading/ (book club) is helping the kids to try something new and read things a little above their comfort zone, as to challenge them. Our read aloud has really helped them too, but the more help at home the better! So READ READ READ!!!! AND I know it is hard, but if you cut screen time at least an hour before bed, research has shown better sleeping habits and even helps eyes and other areas I didn’t realize.
  • Overall Reading – As I stated before…. most kids are not reading at home. PLEASE, encourage this. In the world of technology, there are different ways to read and listen. I love them all, but nothing compares to a good old fashioned book. It triggers different areas of our brains and (as I tell kids) gives us Wrinkles on our brains. LOL

Upcoming Standards and Dates:

  • March 8 – 12:

-MATH- Learning: Converting Measurement(MD.1)

TEST: Re-test week or iReady for (3) standards

-ELA- Informational (RI5.3) compare the relationship between two texts, (RI5.1) will quoting accurately from the text.

TEST:Language (L5.5 & L5.4) Figurative language and context clues to help you understand words.

-Science- Plant Growth ( this is one of the NEW standards with 5th grade!)

-Writing-Opinion Paper- “Are Shamrocks Lucky”

S.S – focusing on middle US states and their capitols

*March 14 – Day Light Savings – Spring Forward

* March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day

*March 20 – 1st Day of SPRING

**March 29 – April 2 = SPRING BREAK – No School

*April 4 – Easter

Have a wonderful weekend! I am excited to jump into the last weeks of school!!!

FINAL thought: If you want to opt your child out of RISE (end of level testing) then I need to know ASAP, we will be doing practice tests starting next week. THANKS


Mrs. Young

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