December (WOW!) It’s the end of 2020!

Hello Everyone – I am not sure how I feel about the end of the year yet. I always look forward to fresh starts and a NEW YEAR! This year is especially unique because of the trials and new frontier we faced at the end of our LAST school year and the beginning of THIS school year. Change is always hard, but when you have to do it constantly, it can get very wearisome and cause a lot of anxiety and fear. Hopefully, our next year, will give us some peace and consistency.

What we will be learning for December in reading and math!?!

*We are (about) half way through the school year, my team and I choose to do a little review of hard standards, while introducing lighter or (more fun) standards. We also incorporate some fun material, to hopefully, encourage our students to “Want” to come to school during these festive times. LOL

Math: ALL NBT Standards “Mastered”:

All these have been taught and tested:

  • Lesson 4 / NBT.5 – multi digit multiplication
  • Lesson 5 / NBT. 6 – double digit divisor division
  • Lesson 8/ NBT. 3a – read and write decimals in different forms
  • Lesson 6/ NBT.1 – Understand Place Value
  • Lesson 7/ NBT.2 – Understand powers of 10
  • Lesson 9/ NBT.3b/4 – Compare and Round Decimals
  • Lesson 10-11, 15-16, 17/ NBT.7 – Add/Sub. , Multiply, and Divide Decimals

Students will be retesting, and working on “Mastery level 4” for all these standards. The Power Standards (REALLY IMPORTANT STANDARDS -before they get to 6th grade) are NBT.5, NBT.6 and all of NBT.7

I will focus the MOST on after school tutoring, in class small group, and in class tutoring on these standards.

  • Reminder: a 4 in math is ONLY achieved if your child takes the final iReady TEST. This is a choice this year. I will test everyone on Paper tests, Comprehension checks, and individualized observations, BUT to get a 4 = MASTERY the administration wanted to up the bar and make it a CHOICE. Hopefully encouraging our students to take more ACTION in their OWN learning.

The NEW standards we will introduce will be :

  • Lesson 31-32 / G.1 and 2 = Understand and solve problems using a coordinate plane.
  • Lesson 33/ OA.3 – Understand patterns and order of operations
  • Start introducing our next “power standards” NF.3 – understand FRACTIONS as a division problem.


Skills: (Reading Literature)

  • Main Idea
  • Characters, Plot, Setting – Literature Components
  • Compare/Contrast Literature Components
  • Theme


  • Evidence from the text
  • Predictions/Inferring
  • Character Characteristics to determine Main Idea or Theme
  • Author’s Point of view to determine Main Idea or Theme

Books we are reading: “Best Christmas Pageant Ever”, “House without a Christmas Tree”, Sections of “Christmas Carol”, “Little House in Big Woods” Christmas Edition, “Indian in the Cupboard”, and many short informational and literature texts to help us to broaden our background in cultural Holidays past and present.

Happy Holidays & A Great NEW YEAR! 2021 here we come…

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Data Sheets/ Math Standards Mastery!

I have included a video to guide you to your child’s Data Sheets, which (should) be updated. I informed all students today of their scores. We also worked on getting them plugged into their sheets on the google classroom.

We are working on a new grade book this year and it isn’t perfect for parents to see. I thought this would give you a better overall look. Hopefully, we will have the grade book up and running so you will receive updates on your child’s most recent scores.

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving Break. Stay safe, healthy, and eat well!


Mrs. Young

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“National Anthem” try outs to sing for Quest

If you would like to try out to sing the National Anthem at one of our games. Tomorrow, After School 3:15 pm… Tuesday, November 3…. go to Mrs. Pfister’s room #303 and show her what you got!

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Halloween Permission slip / ZOOM link

Here is the link for our Halloween Permission Slip: Halloween Permission Slip

Here is the link for our E Learners for the week of October 26 – October 30: ZOOM link

The reason we are doing a Zoom instead of maintaining the google meet during the week I am teaching from home, is because to share with ALL my students, Zoom will work best. The internet may be slower, but it will be better for teaching the concepts. I hope it all works out for the best. Remember, it is just for one week, and then we will go back to google meets.

Thanks for all your support from home,

Mrs. Young

Bitmoji Image

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Parent Teacher Conference (Sign Up) ZOOM meeting

Please click on the link below to sign up for a scheduled Zoom with me! If you have any questions please email me at

The Zoom meeting is linked to the sign up – but if you need it on the day you sign up I have it right here:

Zoom Meeting: October 20 or October 21

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 743 745 7403
Passcode: DU7a3V

Sign up

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How to: “Look at my Child’s Google Classroom”

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Quest Academy Fund Raiser

Sell that cookie dough and beef jerkey!

Now for MORE information:

I hope this guides with the buying and selling aspects. Thanks for helping us raise money for our school. We hope that we can earn enough money to bring in field trips to our school while covid mandates are still out. We also hope, that as soon as we are able to, go on a few field trips around our wonderful state.

At this time we are very limited in our funds. We know how tight money is and we want to thank everyone for their efforts is selling and contributing to help our school.

Let’s rock this FUNDRAISER (GO MRS. Young’s TEAM!)


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Breathable Masks

Today in class I was wearing a new mask and a lot of students REALLY were interested in where I got it because it was so easy to hear me and to breath in it. Also, really comfortable. They are not very durable… meaning I would hand wash, NOT machine wash.

If this is something you would like to look into … this is the link I ordered on amazon.


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House Points: Weeks of 8/31 – 9/11

Students earn points by finishing their work, getting their iReady minutes done, and any lessons they pass off on iReady with 80% or higher earn them EXTRA points. They have all worked so hard these last two weeks to learn the routine and work out kinks with on line learners and on campus learners. Everything isn’t perfect and probably won’t ever be with the hurdles we have been jumping this year. But all in all, I think we are off to a great start!

Congrats MVP’s (MOST points of house) ! I must admit, a couple of houses their was almost 2. Never give up and remember, “Tomorrow is Fresh, with no mistakes in it” Anne of Green Gables

So, if you didn’t get a lot done last week, strive to do better this week.


Mrs. Young

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Flu Shots

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