
Nightly Homework Every Monday I will post a list of 5 high frequency words (spelling words) that your child will need to be able to read/use in a sentence/SPELL! Students will be tested on Friday! SIGHT WORD LIST: something, city, study, large, hear Word Study Homework: Daily practice of lessons is critical to your child’s academic success. Children need to be completing their homework daily. All of the spelling (word work) assignments are the same weekly, only the word lists change. The new words can be found here on the blog on Monday, therefore you are able to complete assignments as it fits your schedule. Your child’s Word Sorts are specific to their learning needs. Passing word sorts with a proficiency level of 80% is required. If your child did not pass their word sort test last week, they will continue to work on their previous sort until it is mastered. Tests will be passed back on Mondays, a sticker on their test indicates a passing grade, please continue on to the next sort. Yellow 2 Yellow 25 Yellow 28 Yellow 46 Green Sort 20 Click on the link below for a nightly schedule your child should follow for word sorts practice. Weekly Word Work Homework Choose 2 items from the spelling menu this week Choose 3 Math Activity this week Practice sorts each night Read 20 minutes each night Spelling
  • Write each spelling word. Next, to each word, write a word that means the same thing (synonyms)
  • Type it up! Type each of your words on the computer. Make each word a different size, font, color.
  • Use all five of your words to create a creative story.
  • Collage- cut individual letter from magazines to spell out your words.
  • Create a Wordle using your spelling words (Use the 5 High frequency words for this week)
Go to wordle.net, Have your child type in all of their spelling words and print off a cool wordle!
  • Go to SpellingCity.com and practice your spelling words, practice tests and play games. The username is your first initial, then last name @quest (no space). The password is rams. ex:acashin@quest. Accounts have been set up!
  • IXL MATH: Go to 2nd grade-This week we will work on rounding, estimating, skip counting and odd/even numbers. Do the following: Counting and Number Patterns: A.6-A.7. Estimation and Rounding: N.1-5. The username is your first initial, then last name @quest (no space). The password is rams. ex:acashin@quest. Accounts have been set up!
  • Keep Practicing addition drills! Your kiddos are doing so well with their math drills!

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