FIRST Assignment!

Today we learned how to comment on the blog! Leave a comment letting me know how the first few days of second grade are going for you, whats been your favorite part? I love hearing from you here on the blog!

I will post a video later, you can comment on that as well!

22 thoughts on “FIRST Assignment!

  1. You are the best teacher in the world. I love school and I am glad you are my teacher. Good job at teaching yesterday.

  2. Lizzie commented earlier but I can’t seem to find it when she asked me to check on it for her. Not sure if we are doing something wrong so I’m testing this out. ☺

  3. i like my teacher.2 i like the videos. 3 i like the play ground. 4 i like to go to the lunch room. 5 i like to learn how to use the computer. 6 i like to wright on the white board.

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