
Moby Max Math: Keep working on current lesson( Subtracting 3-digit numbers). If you are finished, I want you to go onto Front Row Math and work on that

Login: First and Last name
Class Code: 2xpnjd

Pink- Somer, Maggie

Yellow- Eli, Allee
Gold- Kandice, Nathan
Orange- Kohen, Garrett, Taigon, Ellie, Samantha, Tiegan, Carrie

Turquoise- Lizzie, Carter, EvaLyn, Aaron, Morgan, Kelton
Purple- Brielle, Tyler, Evie
Blue- Jaxon, Logan

Monday-Cut and Sort with an adult and explain this week’s rule.

Tuesday- Put words in ABC order. Have your buddy (parent/ older sibling) check the order. Then write/type them in ABC order.

Wednesday- Buddy sort, then write/type the words in the “writing sort” section.

Thursday- Choose 6 of this week’s word study words. Write/type each word in a complete sentence. Each sentence must have at least 5 words. Underline each word in the sentence

2 thoughts on “Homework

  1. HI! What is the current Moby Max lesson that I am making sure Jax has completed?
    Thanks for all you do! He loves Frontrow. 🙂

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