Word Study Homework for Thursday: Use the sort you already cut out (from Monday’s Blog post), pick 6 words to create a sentence. Now pick one of these options:
Write your sentences on your printed homework. Each sentence must contain at least 5 words. Underline your spelling word!
Click on the Homework tab, scroll to “Homework E-Submission”, scroll down to “Thursday Word Sort”. Type in your name, date, sort number, then type your sentences!
Math Homework: This week they have two assignments that need to be completed sometime during the week, before Friday. They need to log onto Front Row Ed, click on assigned practice, then complete assignment #8 and #9. Once those two are complete for the week, they are done with Front Row Homework. (They may be done with this if they completed it previously this week, awesome!)
Fluency: Practice your flash cards OR do math magician OR print a fact sheet and work on it tonight!
(You can find all of these options by clicking on the Homework tab, and scroll to the bottom.)
Reading: Read 20 minutes tonight!
At the bottom of Thursday Night submission, there are boxes to check off to show accountability for reading, math facts, and word sort practice for the week, Have them check the boxes that apply.