Great job with Homework!

You all did so great with homework this week. Please remember that if you score 8 or below on your Front Row assignment, please redo it and I’ll give you the better score. Parents, if you check SIS, you will see your student’s Homework grade so far. If you see a zero, that means it is missing! Each Friday I check to see if they submitted Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday word sorts, and their 2 math assignments on Front Row. If they completed it all, they will get a punch on their card, 10 punches on their card leads to some great class coupons. 

If I didn’t see any homework at all from your child this week, I sent you an email. 

One more side note, if you fail to do Tuesdays sort, for example, do it Wednesday night and it will count for the week! Just get them all done!
Keep up the great work.

Have a great weekend!!!

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