Next Week’s Events

All days require normal school uniforms, except Friday. 

Monday- Talent Show 8:30-10:00

Tuesday- Cleaning day! BRING your BACKPACKS! You have things to HAUL away!

Wednesday- Our class party. Prepare to get a little wet and have popsicles. Please be sure to sign the permission slip for this!

Thursday- Yearbook Signing day. Early Dismissal at 1:00

Friday- Field Day! 2nd Grade will wear purple shirts. If you don’t have one, no worries, that is just our grades color. Bring Sun Screen, a hat and a water bottle. No need for backpacks this day.
You will meet your new teacher for 3rd grade as well!
This will also be an Early Out day, dismissing at 1:00!

Then….. School’s out for the SuMmeR!!

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