I was sad that I was unable to be at school today with my kiddos! I have a severe case of laryngitis and I am going on a talking strike for the weekend! Hopefully resting my voice with help it come back!! Being a teacher with no voice is quite difficult!
The day home gave me some good time to enter a lot of your kids’ testing data into SIS.I was also able to email about half of you information regarding your child’s reading progress. I am so proud of how hard they are all working! They are amazing!!
I have entered most of my students information. If your child’s data is not entered, it is because they have not finished their testing. Once it is complete, I will enter it. In SIS you will find your child’s most recent STAR and Dibels math scores. This is about where they should be with scores (benchmark), hopefully this helps you interpret what you are seeing a little better.
STAR Reading 2.5
Dibels Math scores are on a scale from 1-100, 50 is average
The end of the quarter is next Friday, Jan 17. Please check grades and make sure things look right. If you have any questions regarding what you see, please let me know!