On Friday, September 26, 2nd grade will be going on a field trip to Black Island Farms in Syracuse. This field trip will align with September’s science unit, which is plants. The children will be participating in farm activities and will be going on a hayride. Please let us know if your child has allergies and if there are any precautions that we must take. We will need to leave school at 9:15 am sharp so please have your student to school on time that day. We will be eating at the farm and everyone will need a sack lunch. There will be no microwaves to use, so please bring something that does not need to be heated up. Because of the cost of the field trip, we are asking for a $5.00 donation for this activity. Please turn all donations in to the office. We will return to school at approximately 12:45. We will not have space on the bus so parents will need to car pool or drive on your own. We will have room for chaperones but parents will need to pay a $4 entrance fee to the school office by Thursday, the 26th. Otherwise you will need to wait in line at the farm to pay our fee. We are asking that no siblings are included on this field trip. The address is 3178 S 3000 W in Syracuse. This is a dress down day. Please have your child wear a Rams school spirit t-shirt, if he/she has one.
Please sign the attached signature space and return to your teacher no later than Friday, September 19th.