Homework- New Sort Groups

Math- Front Row Ed Assignment # 15

Front Row Ed Link
Class Code: 2xpnjd

I have re-tested all of you! Some of you may have moved up a few groups, some have stayed the same, and some I have back a group.Please know that if you moved back a group, it’s because you have not mastered your previous groups. Mastery is key to successful spellers! Keep working hard!

Red- Jeremiah
Orange- Maggie, Somer, Kohen, Eli, Allee
Turquoise– Kandice, Nathan, Samantha, Tiegan, Carrie, Lizzie, Carter, Garrett, Taigon
Purple- EvaLyn, Aaron, Morgan, Kelton, Brielle, Ellie, Evie
Blue- Jaxon, Logan, Tyler

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