Homework Note

I am busy training my busy second graders how to do homework and many other things in class right now. Before we get started with homework, they are going to become experts at doing it on their own, then they will teach you how they do it! They are such little smarties and I love them all already!

For now, have them read for 20 minutes each night!

Next week, you will do some math homework and 20 minutes of reading each night.

The week of Sept, 8-11, they will be doing spelling, math and reading. Just remember that it should only take 20 minutes each night. Plus 20 minutes of reading. Reading can be a fun bonding time right before bedtime. Homework shouldn’t be too stressful. It is intended to be short spurts of review,  so that you as the parent can see what they are working on in school. You will also be able to tell if they are struggling and could benefit from a little extra help from you. 

Thanks for your support in your child’s academic success. Its going to be an amazing school year!!!

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