Homework Clarification

There has been some confusion regarding homework on Front Row this week. The program has changed a little from last year, so there are some learning curves for me as well. They need to go to the LIGHT BLUE, BASE 10, then complete assignment #6 and #7

Here are some screen shots of what you should see:
Once they finish their 10 questions, it will then allow them to practice other math concepts that are adaptive to their specific learning needs. They are welcome to keep practicing, or be done for the day!

2015-09-02 07.58.502015-09-02 07.59.052015-09-02 07.53.55Once they finish the 10 questions, it will show this page:

Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 8.11.56 AMAt this point, they can stop, or keep going for extra practice by clicking “Start”

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!

2 thoughts on “Homework Clarification

  1. I’m unsure when to stop this program, I thought we had finished lessons 6 & 7 then went on to adaptive, but when we logged on today it had zeros.
    Are we doing this correct?
    I had her redo the 6 & 7 lessons again, she thinks we are on level 12…I’m unsure.

    • She had it complete. By Thursday I will check and see who still needs to do their homework. I will let them know here at school if I dont see it. That way you will be able to know if I dont have it. Once you complete the 10 questions, it will ask you if you want to go spend your points or not. Thats how you know it is complete. She got it done for the week, great job!

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