Dog Toy Inventory

In math we decided to count everything we had! The students took inventory, then added all the items up (this helped us practice our adding with regrouping). 

2015-10-28 12.33.592015-10-28 12.34.072015-10-28 12.34.25

2015-10-28 12.34.32This is what we have!2015-10-28 12.33.53
62 Water bottles
49 Rubber Bands
8 Tennis Balls
37 Pieces of fleece
34 socks

Then they had to create a story problem that told how many total items we have for our Classroom Service Project to make chew toys for Foster Dogs. 

2015-10-28 12.28.042015-10-28 12.30.02 2015-10-28 12.33.53 2015-10-28 12.46.13 2015-10-28 12.57.39 2015-10-28 12.29.42

This is what we still need: Fleece and tennis balls!!

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