Answer this question…

Does a pyramid have a different name if the base is different from a triangle?
If so, what is a pyramid called if it has a different base other than a triangle?

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31 thoughts on “Answer this question…

  1. Yes it is called a polygon triangle. The shapes are square pyramid, cone, hexagon pyramid, tetrahedron pyramid, pentagon pyramid.

  2. yes. if the base is triangle its called a triangular pyramid. the others are called regular, irregular, convex, concave, oblique, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, and right pyramid.
    1 – regular pyramid (also square pyramid)
    2 – cone
    3 – hexagonal
    4 – triangular
    5 – pentagonal.

  3. 1. yes
    2. square pyramid, and rectangular pyramid, depends on the base of the pyramid
    1.square pyramid
    2. circular pyramid
    3. hexagonal pyramid
    4. triangular pyramid
    5. pentagon pyramid

  4. Yes they have different names. For example if the base is a triangle it is called a triangular pyramid. Another example is if the base is a pentagon its called a pentagonal pyramid. from Damian.

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