Baby Pics…and a few notes

Bring or email a baby picture to me for TOMORROW!! I’m excited to see your cute tiny baby faces! 

I’ll have mine too!

The Quest Talent show is going to be coming up. Click here for more info.

Quest Carnival is next Friday, May 20! This is always so much fun. Don’t miss out! Here is a little info:

Tickets are on sale now at or on Wednesday May 11th 2:30-3:15 PM, Thursday May 12th 8:15-8:45AM and 2:30-3:15PM and Friday May 13th  8:15-8:45AM and 2:30-3:15PM  
We are also looking for 2 liter pop donations, please bring them to the Q1 office and receive a ticket to be entered into the drawing!

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