See Saw Journals….

Once again……..

Our class has created many amazing things digitally this year, and shared them via SeeSaw. If you are interested in saving your child’s work, here are the directions to do so:


Parents will have access to archived classes through the end of the summer. Parents are also able to download a Zip Archive of their child’s Seesaw journal from this year. Here’s how:

Saving SeeSaw Journals

Our class has created many amazing things digitally this year, and shared them via SeeSaw. If you are interested in saving your child’s work, here are the directions to do so:


Parents will have access to archived classes through the end of the summer. Parents are also able to download a Zip Archive of their child’s Seesaw journal from this year. Here’s how:

Next Week’s Events

All days require normal school uniforms, except Friday. 

Monday- Talent Show 8:30-10:00

Tuesday- Cleaning day! BRING your BACKPACKS! You have things to HAUL away!

Wednesday- Our class party. Prepare to get a little wet and have popsicles. Please be sure to sign the permission slip for this!

Thursday- Yearbook Signing day. Early Dismissal at 1:00

Friday- Field Day! 2nd Grade will wear purple shirts. If you don’t have one, no worries, that is just our grades color. Bring Sun Screen, a hat and a water bottle. No need for backpacks this day.
You will meet your new teacher for 3rd grade as well!
This will also be an Early Out day, dismissing at 1:00!

Then….. School’s out for the SuMmeR!!