Service Learning Project

Here at Quest we get the opportunity to take part in 2 service learning projects this year. In December we are going to engage in a project to help foster dogs. We are going to make chew toys in class for them. Any donations for this project will be greatly appreciated! We will need the following items:

Fleece or old t-shirts (cut in 3×15 inch strips)
Fleece cut into (9×12 inch pieces)
Empty water bottles We have a lot of these now, thanks!
Socks (old and new)
Tennis balls
Rubber bands 

Here are a few more details: Click Link

This is what we will be making in class
Screen Shot 2015-10-12 at 11.54.18 AMScreen Shot 2015-10-12 at 11.54.30 AMScreen Shot 2015-10-12 at 11.53.54 AM

Pizza Party!

We won a pizza party!!  We won it for having the most participation in the Christmas Portrait Fundraiser here at Quest! Way to go class!

We will have it during lunch on Monday, Oct 19! Students don’t need to bring a lunch from home since we are eating pizza. But, they are still welcome to bring extra food if they feel the need. We will eat in the classroom and have lots of fun!

Please sign the permission slip


Missing Assignments

The end of the Quarter is upon us! Crazy, I know! Next Friday, October 23 is the last day of the quarter. Please check SIS for any missing assignments your child may have. If they do a Homework Front Row missing assignment, please email me and let me know so I can check it and add it to the grade book. 

Our Water Cycle Experiment

We made a water cycle in a bag! We let it sit all week to see if the water would evaporate. As we have been observing them this week, we noticed that the water line is not going down. 
2015-10-05 14.59.00 2015-10-05 14.59.08 2015-10-05 14.59.13

So as we talked about the sun heating up the water, and how it turns it into a water vapor gas. We came to the conclusion that the water vapor is TRAPPED in the bag! What a discovery we made! We could see the condensation on the baggie walls, but it had no where to go!
2015-10-08 15.16.19So we decided to put our water in an open container and draw a line where the water stops. Now we will see if the water will evaporate.

2015-10-08 14.29.28 2015-10-08 14.29.43What do you predict will happen now!?