Special Visitor

We are learning about plants this month for science! We are going to do a lot of exciting things including having a Bee Keeper come visit our class. He will be visiting us Thursday September 10. He will be bringing in a clear observation hive with live honeybees and he will talk about the process of pollinating plants. The bees are completely contained and the students love to see them at work. If you are uncomfortable having your child in the classroom at this time, please let me know and I can arrange something/somewhere they can be for this period of time.


Homework Clarification

There has been some confusion regarding homework on Front Row this week. The program has changed a little from last year, so there are some learning curves for me as well. They need to go to the LIGHT BLUE, BASE 10, then complete assignment #6 and #7

Here are some screen shots of what you should see:
Once they finish their 10 questions, it will then allow them to practice other math concepts that are adaptive to their specific learning needs. They are welcome to keep practicing, or be done for the day!

2015-09-02 07.58.502015-09-02 07.59.052015-09-02 07.53.55Once they finish the 10 questions, it will show this page:

Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 8.11.56 AMAt this point, they can stop, or keep going for extra practice by clicking “Start”

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!

Math Homework

***These assignment are put into the grade book! Be sure to do them every week.


Base Ten (Light Blue)

Math- Front Row Ed Assignment #6 and #7

Also practice Math facts every night.

Login: First Name ONLY LAST Initial
Front Row Ed Link
Class Code: 2xpnjd


Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 1.46.23 PM

They will sign in and get to this screen. From here I will specify which domain they will use for the week. This week, they are going to use “Numbers and Operations” (The LIGHT blue one). Once they click on this, they will see this:

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 1.46.48 PMOn this screen, have them click on “Assigned Practice”.

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 1.47.14 PMThen they will scroll down to the week’s assignment. It shouldn’t take more then 10 minutes to complete. They are quick refreshers of what we are learning in class! When they finish their assignment, it will have them do adaptive practice (on their level).

hese assignment are put into the grade book! Be sure to do them every week.

Math Facts Fluency Practice

As part of math homework, students need to be practicing their math facts a few minutes each night! Here are some ways that will help them practice
  • Print flash cards Here
  • Math Magician- Practice addition drills http://resources.oswego.org/games/mathmagician/cathymath.html It is so important for students to know their math facts (adding or subtracting 5+3 quickly, flash cards). As we get into more ways to add and subtract, having this skill mastered helps them with all aspects of math. So please, help your child with their math facts!

Raz Kids

I have read and leveled all my kiddos. We have a fun reading program that the students can go to online here at school and is also available for home use. They can use this for their reading minutes! We logged in today, so they are some what familiar with it.

The teacher username is: acashin
Password: This is the students “super secret password” (they know what this is)

They were told to only share this password with their parents and myself. This alleviates other students’ going into their profile and spending hard earned points, this upsets us all when this has happened in the past. Students can even record themselves reading, and I love to go see and hear all the progress they are making with Raz Kids.

Here is the link for Raz Kids
They can also access this from questac.org> student links> Raz Kids

Homework Sneak Peak

Our students get the opportunity to do on level spelling and word work according to each individual child’s needs. We are doing a program called Words Their Way. Students are put into leveled groups according to needs. While in these groups they get to sort word patterns and practice how to recognize words and spelling patterns. This will help them become master future spellers!

Here is a video that explains a little overview of how they will submit homework each night. Students have been doing this in class all week so they know how to do it.