Clocks in Second Grade

We are learning about time! Help your kiddos by asking them to help you tell time on an analog clock! They need to know how to tell time in 5 minute intervals. They also need to be able to distinguish between AM and PM. 

Tell me what time it is now!


MATH: Measurement and Data (ORANGE)
Math- Front Row Ed Assignment # 14 (March 23-27)

Front Row Ed Link
Class Code: 2xpnjd

 Refer to the list below to PRINT their sort for the week.  


Red- Jeremiah
Orange- Maggie, Somer, Allee, Eli 
Yellow- Kohen
Turquoise Kandice, Nathan, Samantha, Tiegan, Carrie, Lizzie, Carter, Garrett, Taigon
Purple- EvaLyn, Aaron, Morgan, Kelton, Brielle, Ellie, Evie
Blue- Jaxon, Logan, Tyler



We have started our Animal Unit! Yeah…this is my favorite! Students chose their animals today. We will do most of the research here at school. But, If you have any way to access the books your child may need, it will benefit them greatly. I have a lot of animal books for them to use, but I don’t have all of them. Here are their animals, just FYI 🙂

Assignment list final

Missing Assignments

This is the last week of quarter 3! Many of you have missing assignments for Front Row Ed Homework. If you check SIS, you can see what is missing. If you finish them this week, I will give you partial credit. Please email me and let me know if you completed any of these missing assignments so I can check them, then enter them into the gradebook! Thanks!

Animal Reports

In second grade we spend a lot of time on our animal unit. This includes some final projects for the end of the school year, including a PowerPoint presentation and a Habitat Diorama. In class, we will do a lot of research on animals and habitats. We will pick our animals this week!

We will learn how to research books, internet search engines, and other apps available to us. 

There will be an “at home” project included in this. Students will make a small, shoe-box sized Habitat Diorama for their specified animal. I have attached a more detailed flyer for you to see what this includes.

We will do an Open House for fellow students at Quest, and any parents during the day on April 23, from 9:00-10:30

Diorama Information

I do need to know that this information has been seen by a parent. You may cut the bottom, signed portion off of the above document, and send it with your student back to school.  Or sign the Google Doc letting me know that you are aware of this “at-home” portion of animal project!

Google Doc Signature