Addition Pass off!

We had a great day for students to pass off their addition facts. They were given the opportunity to pass them off orally! They did amazing. This opportunity will be extended for the rest of the year. If they are having a hard time passing it off written, I will test them orally! Great job today!

Way to go Garrett, Lizzie, Tiegan, Aaron,
Brielle, Samantha, EvaLyn 

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 2015-02-13 08.35.58

Pizza Party lunch!

pizzaOur pizza party will be during lunch tomorrow! Students don’t need to bring a lunch from home since we are eating pizza. But, they are still welcome to bring extra food if they feel the need. We will eat in the classroom and have lots of fun tomorrow!

If you bring valentines to pass out, be sure they are Non food items, and enough for everyone (25 students).