This Week!

There will be no Tutoring this week

We will do homework, so we can keep some routine and normalcy in school this week.

We have all the donations we need for Friday’s party, thank you so much for your generosity!

Friday party! The whole school will be doing a sing-along and some funs skits in the Q2 Gym at 9:00. It is also “Ugly Sweater” day! All student can participate if they’d like! Ive got mine ready to wear!


Holiday Party Information

Please sign the Food permission slip below!

Food Permission Slip

Our Holiday Party will be next Friday, December 19. In the morning the school will do a fun Carol Sing along, then our party will follow that. We are in need of a few donations. If you can help us supply a few things that would be great!

1 Large bag of small marshmallows
3 cans of whipped cream
30 Styrofoam cups (for Hot Cocoa)

Please let me know if you have, or could get any of these items.

