Student Blogger

Myspace Bubbles Note Generator

2014-10-27 13.43.30We put an egg in vinegar for the weekend. We were going to see what happend to it wi’ll we were gone. The egg is supposed to represent your teeth. The vinegar is supost to repersent sugar and soda. After four days the shell came right off and it got all squishy one part fills like a bubble. It smells so,so gross. I think that we all thought it was the grossest egg ever. It was so,so disckusting when our teacher touch it. I thought it was super cool looking at it. We al thought it was a fun, fun progect!
 Love, Morgan Snitker

2014-10-27 14.15.52
  2014-10-27 14.21.30


MobyMax Math Assignment: Subtracting 2-digit numbers

Red- Jeremiah
Pink- Somer, Maggie

Yellow- Eli, Allee
Gold- Kandice, Nathan
Orange- Kohen, Garrett, Taigon, Ellie, Samantha, Tiegan, Carrie

Turquoise- Lizzie, Carter, EvaLyn, Aaron, Morgan, Kelton
Purple- Brielle, Tyler, Evie
Blue- Jaxon, Logan

Monday-Cut and Sort with an adult and explain this week’s rule.

Tuesday- Put words in ABC order. Have your buddy (parent/ older sibling) check the order. Then write/type them in ABC order.

Wednesday- Buddy sort, then write/type the words in the “writing sort” section.

Thursday- Choose 6 of this week’s word study words. Write/type each word in a complete sentence. Each sentence must have at least 5 words. Underline each word in the sentence

Positive me Week!

Next week we are doing some fun things! Here is the schedule

October 27-31
Monday- “Scare away bad health”
Wear Crazy socks

Tuesday- “Scare away drugs”
Wear Red

Wednesday- “Scare away Bullies”
Show “Team Spirit” wear a team jersey or a t-shirt

Thursday- “Scare away negativity”
Wear your favorite accessory such as a bracelet, pin, hair bow. belt, tie. Please no hats.

Friday- “Scare up some fun”
Wear a costume or wear orange

Short week for Homework and Math info

Since it is a short week, no Thursday Homework is required (Writing Sentences). We will do our sorts test tomorrow instead of Friday. Be prepared!

In Math we are starting subtraction with regrouping! Here is a video on how we are going through the procedure. Any extra practice would be great! If you want to give them some problems to see how they are doing, here is also an example of some types of problems.

2014-10-22 12.37.00

Frosting Donations

Our wonderful room mother is planning a fun party for our kiddos on Halloween! We are going to do games, crafts, and decorate cookies! If anyone would be willing to donate a few store-bought frosting jars we would LOVE IT! Let me know if this is something you can help with, thank you!

A Permission slip will be posted soon in order for your child to participate and consume some yummy, sugary, goodness here at school on Halloween!
