Valentine’s Day

We are excited to celebrate Valentine’s Day next Thursday. We will have a fun party at the end of the day and pass out Valentine cards if your child would like to. Please remember that candy/snack food is not permitted. Here is a list of the students in the class if they’d like to address them to their friends. Please make sure if your child bring Valentines to pass out, they need to bring enough for every (25 students). Brooklyn, Adrianna, Tyson, Cameron, Zayne, Spencer, Jacqueline, Kessler, Londyn, Taylor, Tanner, Dylan, Samantha, Taylee, Rylei, Adam, Bennett, Ana, Gerry, Brodee, Preston, Seneca, Jonathan, Star, Kylee

Class work corrections

If I ever send home something we did in class and write “fix and return” on the top, this is to enable your student to get some extra practice or one-on-one time at home. Obviously, if they correct mistakes and bring it back I will change there score in the grade book to reflect the new score. I hope this helps some of my kiddos get a little extra help on something they may be struggling with during class time. I do all I can to help those struggling, but time is limited. If you feel your child needs extra help from me, please schedule a tutoring time and I am happy to help any way I can. My tutoring hours are Tues-Wed 3:20-4:00. Also, I encourage students to work on IXL math nightly! I post the specific concepts we are working on during the week in the homework tab, under math menu choices. Consistent practice is strongly encouraged!


Nightly Homework Every Monday I will post a list of 5 high frequency words (spelling words) that your child will need to be able to read/use in a sentence/SPELL! Students will be tested on Friday! SIGHT WORD LIST: told, himself, upon, because, course Word Study Homework: Daily practice of lessons is critical to your child’s academic success. Children need to be completing their homework daily. All of the spelling (word work) assignments are the same weekly, only the word lists change. The new words can be found here on the blog on Monday, therefore you are able to complete assignments as it fits your schedule. Your child’s Word Sorts are specific to their learning needs. Passing word sorts with a proficiency level of 80% is required. If your child did not pass their word sort test last week, they will continue to work on their previous sort until it is mastered. Tests will be passed back on Mondays, a sticker on their test indicates a passing grade, please continue on to the next sort. Yellow 3 Yellow 4 Yellow 5 Yellow 26 Yellow 27 Yellow 28 Yellow 29 Yellow 31 Yellow 49 Green Sort 23 Click on the link below for a nightly schedule your child should follow for word sorts practice. Weekly Word Work Homework Choose 2 items from the spelling menu this week Choose 3 Math Activity this week Practice sorts each night Read 20 minutes each night Spelling
  • Write each spelling word. Next, to each word, write a word that means the same thing (synonyms)
  • Type it up! Type each of your words on the computer. Make each word a different size, font, color.
  • Use all five of your words to create a creative story.
  • Collage- cut individual letter from magazines to spell out your words.
  • Create a Wordle using your spelling words (Use the 5 High frequency words for this week)
Go to, Have your child type in all of their spelling words and print off a cool wordle!
  • Go to and practice your spelling words, practice tests and play games. The username is your first initial, then last name @quest (no space). The password is rams. ex:acashin@quest. Accounts have been set up!
  • IXL MATH: Go to 2nd grade-This week we are going to learn fractions! Do the following: Fractions: U.1-U.8. The username is your first initial, then last name @quest (no space). The password is rams. ex:acashin@quest. Accounts have been set up!
  • Keep Practicing addition drills! Your kiddos are doing so well with their math drills!
Addition Drills to 18– 100 problems per page. Includes horizontal and                                              vertical format
        Addition Facts 7-9- 50 problems per page, Includes horizontal and                                                 vertical formats.
  • Practice math on these printable math worksheets on
  • Math Magician- Practice addition drills It is so important for students to know their math facts (adding or subtracting 5+3 quickly, flash cards). As we get into more ways to add and subtract, having this skill mastered helps them with all aspects of math. So please, help your child with their math facts!
  • Practice your 5 min addition timed tests to prepare for class timed tests:
         Addition Drills to 18– 100 problems per page. Includes horizontal and                                              vertical format
        Addition Facts 7-9- 50 problems per page, Includes horizontal and                                                 vertical formats.

Our Small Reading Group Story Creations

Each and every day I have the privilege of working with my students in a small group setting. For the past few weeks we have been busy creating a non-fiction story that has the key elements of a story. Somebody: Who is the main character? Wanted: What did the Character want? But: What was the Problem? So: How did the character try to solve the problem? Then: What was the resolution to the story? Each of the groups came up with all those elements for their story. We brainstormed, created, and published our masterpieces with a few different apps on the IPad. I am so proud of what they have created! Here are a few groups creations. Just click on the link! Dracula Makes Friends by Bennett, Spencer, Taylee, Ana, Londyn and Adrianna The Race for Gold by Taylor, Gerry, Adam,Cameron and Star *The other three group’s projects are published in another post      

We are 100 Days Smarter!

Today marks the 100th day of school! We got to do a lot of fun things with the number 100 today. We especially had fun “Racing to 100” in math today. We got to work as partners to complete the following activities: 1- Complete 100 addition problems 2- Jump 100 times and have your partner sign you off 3- Write a combined total of 100 words. 4- Build something out of 100 unifex cubes and have me take a picture. 5- Roll the dice until the numbers you add equal 100.      
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Clorox Wipes!

We are out of Clorox wipes again! What can I say, I like a clean classroom! If you can donate any more to our classroom we and our healthy little immune systems would greatly appreciate it! Thanks for your support and for all your wonderful kids that you share with me, I love them all!!

Fog for Science

In science, we tried an experiment today. We attempted to make some fog, but it just wasn’t working out for us. I guess that’s what science is all about- trial and error. Since our experiment didn’t work, we hopped online and found a video of what our experiment was supposed to look like. Here is our video we found. I told the students that if they wanted to do it at home they MUST HAVE PARENT SUPERVISION!