Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a great break, and are ready to get back into school mode! 

We have a lot of things coming up, so here are some reminders:

Dioramas are Due next MONDAY APRIL 11

Diorama Information

Diorama Open House  April 14, from 9:00-10:30

Field Trip- APRIL 15, FRIDAY
I must know by April 7, if your child will need a school sack lunch that day. 

Print here:
Permission Slip

Google Doc Permission Slip 

If you haven’t paid the $4 to the office yet, please do so by THIS Friday! Thanks!

Field Trip Tomorrow

Parents, if you are going on the field trip tomorrow, please pay $4 to the office BEFORE Friday. If we don’t have the $4 before Friday, then you will have to stand in a long line when you get there and may miss going on the hayride with the class. Thanks for all you do!

Please remember, we have 5 second grade classes to bus over, we do not have room for parents, you can meet us there around 9:30.

Be sure to bring a cold sack lunch, good walking shoes, and wear a spirit/red polo shirt!

We are ecstatic about our adventure tomorrow!

Field Trip Friday!

We are so excited for the field trip!

If you checked “yes” on the permission slip that you were helping to chaperone, I am planning on you!

If your plans have changed, please let me know!

Parents will need to drive separately since we have limited space on the bus. We will leave school at 9:15, and be at Black Island Farms around 9:30-9:45. Parents, please meet us there. Here is the address:

Black Island Farms
3178 S 3000 W,
Syracuse, UT 84075

(801) 825-6236

This is a dollar dress down day. Please have your child wear a Rams school spirit t-shirt,
if he/she has one, or a Red Polo, Its easier if we all look similar. Jeans are fine, since it is
Dollar Dress Down (for $1 of course).