Subtracting with regrouping

We are learning so much in math right now! As second graders we get to learn how to subtract with regrouping. Here is a little video on how we go through the procedure. Over Thanksgiving break, if you have a chance, give them a few problems to practice so they have practice with this brand new skill! They are doing amazing with it!


Adding in Math

We have started Adding with regrouping in class! This is an exciting time for second graders, they get so excited when they understand this concept. We will work on this thoroughly throughout the year. You can help them by giving them random problems to practice. Here are a few examples you can use to help them practice at home. 

2014-09-29 13.21.57Here is also a video to help you better understand how we regroup! It is so fun to see them so excited about adding! Happy practicing!

Money Song

Here is our fun Money Song we learned today. I told the students to watch it, then try and figure out how to comment on the blog. I want to know if they liked the song or not. Or, what they liked most about learning about money. I want to here what you have to say STUDENTS!!