Next Week’s Events

All days require normal school uniforms, except Friday. 

Monday- Talent Show 8:30-10:00

Tuesday- Cleaning day! BRING your BACKPACKS! You have things to HAUL away!

Wednesday- Our class party. Prepare to get a little wet and have popsicles. Please be sure to sign the permission slip for this!

Thursday- Yearbook Signing day. Early Dismissal at 1:00

Friday- Field Day! 2nd Grade will wear purple shirts. If you don’t have one, no worries, that is just our grades color. Bring Sun Screen, a hat and a water bottle. No need for backpacks this day.
You will meet your new teacher for 3rd grade as well!
This will also be an Early Out day, dismissing at 1:00!

Then….. School’s out for the SuMmeR!!

Baby Pics…and a few notes

Bring or email a baby picture to me for TOMORROW!! I’m excited to see your cute tiny baby faces! 

I’ll have mine too!

The Quest Talent show is going to be coming up. Click here for more info.

Quest Carnival is next Friday, May 20! This is always so much fun. Don’t miss out! Here is a little info:

Tickets are on sale now at or on Wednesday May 11th 2:30-3:15 PM, Thursday May 12th 8:15-8:45AM and 2:30-3:15PM and Friday May 13th  8:15-8:45AM and 2:30-3:15PM  
We are also looking for 2 liter pop donations, please bring them to the Q1 office and receive a ticket to be entered into the drawing!

STEM Stuff

Tomorrow, Thursday, we will be building our Lunar Landers and Space Ships. Bring any building supplies you think you will need. I will have tape, paper, a glue gun, paper cups, popsicle sticks. Any other ideas and materials you may need, please bring!

OobleckWe will build a “Lunar Lander” then see if we can get it to stay a-float on our “Ooblek Lake”.

OR… you may have chosen to see if you can land a ship, with your astronauts, safely on the ground without them falling out.

See you tomorrow!

PowerPoint Presentations!

We have been working very hard on our animal research. We have one more thing to present!

On April 19 and 20 at 2:15, Students will present their Powerpoint Presentation to a Live audience. Parents,you are welcome to join us if you can. If you cant make it, no worries, we will record each other doing them, then post them on the blog for all to see. 

They have done a wonderful job and should be very proud of all their hard work!

Here is your Child’s Assigned Day

Tuesday, April 19- 2:15-3:00
Addie, Ammon, Ashita, Austin, Braxtyn, Bridger, Claire, Corbin, Daegan, Damian, Donovan, Jaxon

Wednesday April 20- 2:15-3:00
JC, Jazzy, Jensen, Kelcey, Kenzley, Kyler, Lauryl, London, Matt, Paige, Presley, Summer, Tylen, Hailee

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a great break, and are ready to get back into school mode! 

We have a lot of things coming up, so here are some reminders:

Dioramas are Due next MONDAY APRIL 11

Diorama Information

Diorama Open House  April 14, from 9:00-10:30

Field Trip- APRIL 15, FRIDAY
I must know by April 7, if your child will need a school sack lunch that day. 

Print here:
Permission Slip

Google Doc Permission Slip 

If you haven’t paid the $4 to the office yet, please do so by THIS Friday! Thanks!