ABC Countdown!

The end of the year is almost here! We are going to count down the last 26 days by celebrating a letter of the alphabet each day. Participation in these extra activities will be based on student behavior in class. The countdown will start on Wednesday April 23rd. Let’s make the rest of our 2nd Grade the Best Year Ever!


4/22-4/24 (Starts on Wednesday)

A-Art Day!- We will do some fun art projects in class today!

B- Bragging Day- Come to class with a show and tell, or a special story about yourself.

C-Celebrating Animals Day. We have a fun assembly planned for 2nd Grade only! We get to see and touch some amazing animals!

4/27- 5/1

D-Dancing Day. We will have some fun Dance time in class.

E-Extra Recess!

F- Furry Friend Day. Bring a small stuffed animal from home to be with you at school.

G-Game Day. Bring a board game to play. Games will be kept in a safe place during the day and will be played during the last 30 min. of school.

H-Hooray for you Day! Write a letter to yourself about something you have accomplished during the school year!


I-Imagination Day. We will use our imagination when we write and do art.

J-Jump Rope Day. Participate in a jump rope challenge.

K-Kickball Day. We will play kickball with all of 2nd Grade!

L-Laughing Day. Come prepared to share an appropriate joke with the class.

M-Marker Day. We can do all of our assignments in marker for the day.



N-Nice Note Day. Students will write a note to someone who has done something nice for them.

O-Outside Lesson (weather permitting)

P- Picture Day. Please bring a BABY picture of yourself, with your name on the back.

Q-Quickest Day. We will have class Olympics outside.

R-Read a thon Day. Bring a book and a pillow and get ready to read.



S- Science Experiments! Get ready for some science fun!

T-Thankful Day. We will write a letter to the 1st graders why we were Thankful for 2ndgrade.

U- USA Day. Students with a last name A-H wear Red, I-P wear White and Q-Z wear Blue shirts.  We will have prizes who participate.

V-Video Day. We will watch a video. Bring a pillow to cuddle with.

W-Wild About Learning Day. Bring a fun fact to share about your favorite “Wild” animal.


X-Xtra Nice Day. We will do something nice for another class.

Y-You are special Day! Tell about something that makes you special. We will also Share reasons why we think our classmates are special!

Z-Zip Up Your Backpacks and Zoom Home Day!



We have started our Animal Unit! Yeah…this is my favorite! Students chose their animals today. We will do most of the research here at school. But, If you have any way to access the books your child may need, it will benefit them greatly. I have a lot of animal books for them to use, but I don’t have all of them. Here are their animals, just FYI 🙂

Assignment list final

Animal Reports

In second grade we spend a lot of time on our animal unit. This includes some final projects for the end of the school year, including a PowerPoint presentation and a Habitat Diorama. In class, we will do a lot of research on animals and habitats. We will pick our animals this week!

We will learn how to research books, internet search engines, and other apps available to us. 

There will be an “at home” project included in this. Students will make a small, shoe-box sized Habitat Diorama for their specified animal. I have attached a more detailed flyer for you to see what this includes.

We will do an Open House for fellow students at Quest, and any parents during the day on April 23, from 9:00-10:30

Diorama Information

I do need to know that this information has been seen by a parent. You may cut the bottom, signed portion off of the above document, and send it with your student back to school.  Or sign the Google Doc letting me know that you are aware of this “at-home” portion of animal project!

Google Doc Signature

Keyboard Final Test

On Friday we will take our Final Keyboard Test. This will be worth 100 points towards your Technology Grade. We have been memorizing the keyboard for 5 weeks now. If you want extra practice at home, I have attached a blank keyboard that you can print and practice.

BONUS: If you know the symbols on the number keys, they will be Bonus Points!! (!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,)

Print Practice Keyboard


Writing about a favorite toy

We are excited to start a new writing unit! We will be working on a Descriptive Sketch. They are going to describe a favorite toy. They can bring a favorite toy from home on Wednesday, if they get parent permission. It needs to be small enough to fit in their backpack. If they do not bring one, they will have to describe it from memory.

We will be describing many elements about this toy, we are very excited about this!!toys

Dr Seuss Week!

Dr suess

Monday—Happy Birthday Dr Suess! Wear red day and Read your favorite Dr Suess book at school or at home.

 Tuesday –Don’t be a grinch day. Do a service for someone else. Kids will get Dr Suess bookmarks. 

 Wednesday—Horton hears a who Day.  Each student will get a friendship bracelet to wear to remind them to always  treat others kindly no matter what. 

Thursday—500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins- Wear a fun hat to school today. 

Friday—Fox in Socks Day—Crazy sock day. Door contest awards given out.  And guessing jars given away. 

We will be doing a Fish guessing jar in the lunch room during that week as well for the kids to guess.