Dr Seuss Week

Dr suess

Monday—Happy Birthday Dr Suess! Wear red day and Read your favorite Dr Suess book at school or at home.

 Tuesday –Don’t be a grinch day. Do a service for someone else. Kids will get Dr Suess bookmarks. 

 Wednesday—Horton hears a who Day.  Each student will get a friendship bracelet to wear to remind them to always  treat others kindly no matter what. 

Thursday—500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins- Wear a fun hat to school today. 

Friday—Fox in Socks Day—Crazy sock day.    Door contest awards given out.  And guessing jars given away. 

We will be doing a Fish guessing jar in the lunch room during that week as well for the kids to guess.


Pizza Party lunch!

pizzaOur pizza party will be during lunch tomorrow! Students don’t need to bring a lunch from home since we are eating pizza. But, they are still welcome to bring extra food if they feel the need. We will eat in the classroom and have lots of fun tomorrow!

If you bring valentines to pass out, be sure they are Non food items, and enough for everyone (25 students).

Pizza Party Donations

We are still in need of a $3 donation in order to have a pizza party on Friday. If you have already donated, thank you!!

Also, be sure to sign the permission slip for the party if you haven’t done so. It was in a previous post from last week!

ALSO NOTE- We will make our own Valentines holders here in school. No need to make one at home and send it…you’re welcome!


In Social Studies we are learning all about maps! We have learned a lot so far. This week in class we are going to make a detailed map, with a key and a compass rose, of a room in their house. Ive let them know that it will be a good idea to sketch out something at home to bring back to class. Please have them do this before Thursday.

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They need to do one from “a Birds eye view”. We did one of the classroom today. Here is an idea of what it may look like. 

Here is the map of the United States of America that we worked together to create. 2015-01-06 14.29.29

Missing Assignments

As we are nearing the end of 2nd quarter (I know, already!!) I need parents to log onto SIS and check to see if your child is missing any work. I have quite a few students that are not doing their Front Row Ed Math Homework, therefore they are reflecting zeros in the grade book. They can still do these assignments for credit if they get this complete by next Thursday, January 15. Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks

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