ABC Countdown This Week…

4/25- 4/29
B- Bragging Day- Come to class with a show and tell, or a special story about yourself.

C-Celebrating Animals Day. Bring a picture of your special pet, or your favorite animal. You can email a pic to Mrs. Cashin and we can share it digitally. You can also draw a picture to share!

D-Dancing Day. We will have some fun Dance time in class.

E-Extra Recess!

F- Furry Friend Day. Bring a small stuffed animal from home to be with you at school.

Rock Pet Playgrounds

Boy did we have a BUSY week!! Here is the last thing we did, and it was pretty fun! The kids made Pet Rock Playgrounds. They spent 90 minutes working today, and I could have given them more time and they would have loved it!

Their creations are absolutely amazing! Notice the mess, it’s pretty comical! 

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Tree Planting

Remember all of those cans we’ve been collecting and recycling? Well, we earned $120 with all those recycled aluminum cans! We were able to buy two beautiful trees with that money!

We planted those 2 trees today! Boy was it a lot of work! The kids helped dig the hole, plant the tree, water it, and clean up! Now we have something we can watch grow for years to come and remember that we added 2 beautiful trees to our school and our planet. What a great way to recognize Earth Day!
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STEM Materials

Bring all your STEM materials for tomorrow! We will be making our Pet Rock playgrounds. 

As part of Earth Dimagesay, we have learned to Up-Cycle! Using items that we would usually discard, we can create something new. Bring in anything that you think would make a great playground!

Some sort of base is very important to bring. What will you place your playground equipment on? Shoe box lid, flat cardboard, a tray…whatever you think will work.

Some suggested materials you may need to bring might be:
Cardboard, toilet paper rolls, Legos, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, clay or play doh…what else can you think of?!

ABC Countdown!

The end of the year is almost here! We are going to count down the last 26 days by celebrating a letter of the alphabet each day. Participation in these extra activities will be based on student behavior in class. The countdown will start on Friday April 22nd. Let’s make the rest of our 2nd Grade the Best Year Ever!


4/22 (Starts on Friday)

A-Art Day!- We will do some fun art projects in class today!

4/25- 4/29

B- Bragging Day- Come to class with a show and tell, or a special story about yourself.

C-Celebrating Animals Day. Bring a picture of your special pet, or your favorite animal. You can email a pic to Mrs. Cashin and we can share it digitally. You can also draw a picture to share!

D-Dancing Day. We will have some fun Dance time in class.

E-Extra Recess!

F- Furry Friend Day. Bring a small stuffed animal from home to be with you at school.


G-Game Day. Bring a board game to play. Games will be kept in a safe place during the day and will be played during the last 30 min. of school.

H-Hat Day! Wear a silly or fun hat to school.

I-Incredible Talent. We will have a talent show. Come prepared to show or do something for the class.

J-Jump Rope Day. Participate in a jump rope challenge.

K-Kickball Day. We will play kickball with all of 2nd Grade!


L-Laughing Day. Jokes on you! Come prepared to share an appropriate joke with the class.

M-Marker Day. We can do all of our assignments in marker for the day.

N-New Name Day. Choose a new name for the day!

O- Ooblek  and Outside Lesson (weather permitting)

P- Picture Day. Please bring a BABY picture of yourself, with your name on the back.


Q-Quickest Day. We will have class Olympics outside.

R- Rockin Readers. Bring a book and a pillow and get ready to have a read a thon!

S- Science Experiments! Get ready for some science fun!

T-Toys! Bring a toy to share and play with at the end of the day. 

U- Under….work under your desk today!

V-Video Day. We will watch a video. Bring a pillow to cuddle with.

W-Watercoloring today! 

X- eXchange Autographs!

Y-Year end Party!

Friday….LAST DAY OF 2nd GRADE!
Z-Zip Up Your Backpacks and Zoom Home Day!

PowerPoint Presentions Today and Tomorrow

We have been working very hard on our animal research. We have one more thing to present!

On April 19 and 20 at 2:15, Students will present their Powerpoint Presentation to a Live audience. Parents,you are welcome to join us if you can. If you cant make it, no worries, we will record each other doing them, then post them on the blog for all to see. 

They have done a wonderful job and should be very proud of all their hard work!

Here is your Child’s Assigned Day

Tuesday, April 19- 2:15-3:00
Addie, Ammon, Ashita, Austin, Braxtyn, Bridger, Claire, Corbin, Daegan, Damian, Donovan, Jaxon

Wednesday April 20- 2:15-3:00
JC, Jazzy, Jensen, Kelcey, Kenzley, Kyler, Lauryl, London, Matt, Paige, Presley, Summer, Tylen, Hailee


Front Row Ed Assignment (Teacher has assigned it)


Print: Geometry

Front Row Ed Link
Class Code: 2xpnjd

 Refer to the list below to PRINT their sort for the week.  

Spelling List Sort groups

Group 1- Presley, Ashita, Summer, Corbin
Group 2- Ammon, Jazmin, Lauryl, London, Kyler, Daegan, Paige, Matt, Jaxon. Donovan,   Claire
Group 3- Austin, Braxtyn, Jensen, Tylen, Hailee, JC, Bridger, Kelcey,  Kenzley,  Damian,Addie