Summer Reading Minutes!

I bet you thought you’d have a nice quiet break from hearing from your teacher this summer, (Yes, I still consider you mine!!) Well guess what, I’m still checking in on you! I wanted to remind you to log your minutes with our summer reading program through scholastic! I get a report letting me know how you are doing and guess what!?!? We are in 2nd place with 1060 reading minutes logged so far, awesome job! I would love to see ALL of you logging your minutes here! If you are unsure of your login info, contact me via email and I will get you going in the right direction! Miss you all and I hope you are having a super summer so far!

Sending a gift home…

I have made each of my students a gift of all the videos I have made and posted throughout the year. Hopefully this will be a fun reminder for your kids to watch when they want to look back on all the fun we had this year. I am sending them home today and wanted you to be aware so that you can help them keep it in a safe place. Thanks!

Summer Reading Program

Don’t forget to read! Don’t let your summer drain your brain! Keep up the reading and don’t forget to log those minutes!Quest always does a fabulous party at the beginning of the school year to recognize those that read all summer long. Don’t miss out on it, get reading!!

Thank you!!

Dear Parents, I give you back your child, the same child you confidently entrusted to my care last fall. I give them back pounds heavier, inches taller, months wiser, more responsible, and more mature than they were then. Although they would have attained their growth in spite of me, it has been my pleasure and privilege to watch their personality unfold day by day. I give them back reluctantly, for having spent nine months together in the narrow confines of a crowded classroom, we have grown close, have become a part of each other, and we shall always retain a little of each other. Ten years from now if we met on the street, your child and I, a light will shine to our eyes, a smile to our face, and we shall feel the bond of understanding once more, this bond we feel today. We have lived, loved, laughed, played, studied, learned, and enriched our lives together this year. I wish it could go on indefinitely, but give them back I must. Take care of them, for they are precious. Remember that I shall always be interested in your child and their destiny, wherever they go, whatever they do, whoever they become. Their joys and sorrows I’ll always be happy to share. With much love, appreciation and adoration, Mrs. Cashin


Tomorrow (Wednesday May 15) we will be doing our Read-a-Thon for “R” Day. Students may bring a pillow or blanket and books from home. Be sure to label the books with your name. NO ELECTRONIC READERS (NOOK, KINDLE, etc.), Id hate for them to get lost, stolen or broken while they are here at school.