
MATH: Measurement and Data (ORANGE)
Math- Front Row Ed Assignment #9 (April 20-42)

Front Row Ed Link
Class Code: 2xpnjd

 Refer to the list below to PRINT their sort for the week.  


Red- Jeremiah (same sort as last week)
Orange- Maggie, Somer, Allee, Eli (same sort as last week)
Yellow- Kohen
Turquoise Kandice, Nathan, Samantha, Tiegan, Carrie, Lizzie, Carter, Garrett, Taigon
Purple- EvaLyn, Aaron, Morgan, Kelton, Brielle, Ellie, Evie
Blue- Jaxon, Logan, Tyler

ABC Countdown!

The end of the year is almost here! We are going to count down the last 26 days by celebrating a letter of the alphabet each day. Participation in these extra activities will be based on student behavior in class. The countdown will start on Wednesday April 23rd. Let’s make the rest of our 2nd Grade the Best Year Ever!


4/22-4/24 (Starts on Wednesday)

A-Art Day!- We will do some fun art projects in class today!

B- Bragging Day- Come to class with a show and tell, or a special story about yourself.

C-Celebrating Animals Day. We have a fun assembly planned for 2nd Grade only! We get to see and touch some amazing animals!

4/27- 5/1

D-Dancing Day. We will have some fun Dance time in class.

E-Extra Recess!

F- Furry Friend Day. Bring a small stuffed animal from home to be with you at school.

G-Game Day. Bring a board game to play. Games will be kept in a safe place during the day and will be played during the last 30 min. of school.

H-Hooray for you Day! Write a letter to yourself about something you have accomplished during the school year!


I-Imagination Day. We will use our imagination when we write and do art.

J-Jump Rope Day. Participate in a jump rope challenge.

K-Kickball Day. We will play kickball with all of 2nd Grade!

L-Laughing Day. Come prepared to share an appropriate joke with the class.

M-Marker Day. We can do all of our assignments in marker for the day.



N-Nice Note Day. Students will write a note to someone who has done something nice for them.

O-Outside Lesson (weather permitting)

P- Picture Day. Please bring a BABY picture of yourself, with your name on the back.

Q-Quickest Day. We will have class Olympics outside.

R-Read a thon Day. Bring a book and a pillow and get ready to read.



S- Science Experiments! Get ready for some science fun!

T-Thankful Day. We will write a letter to the 1st graders why we were Thankful for 2ndgrade.

U- USA Day. Students with a last name A-H wear Red, I-P wear White and Q-Z wear Blue shirts.  We will have prizes who participate.

V-Video Day. We will watch a video. Bring a pillow to cuddle with.

W-Wild About Learning Day. Bring a fun fact to share about your favorite “Wild” animal.


X-Xtra Nice Day. We will do something nice for another class.

Y-You are special Day! Tell about something that makes you special. We will also Share reasons why we think our classmates are special!

Z-Zip Up Your Backpacks and Zoom Home Day!


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We are excited to have our first annual 

2nd Grade Diorama Open House!!!

Please come see all the amazingly awesome Animal Habitat Dioramas our students have been making! 

Thursday April 23

9:00-10:30- Open House Style

In our 2nd Grade Classrooms

See you then!

All of your Habitats are Due Tuesday, April 21! Let me know if you are in need of a shoe box ASAP!


We are so excited to have our “AT SCHOOL” Field trip next week, Friday, April 24!
Due to low funds for our field trips, we have planned for the field trip to come to us!

downloadWe will have a 1 hour 30 minute educational presentation where we combine the flighted ambassadors of the sky with the slithering ambassadors of the ground into one cool and unique show. Includes 15 minutes of animal handling after the show with some of the animals.

download (1)We will need a permission slip signed for some fun food activites that we will do, as well as some animals handling permission. Please sign the form below, thanks!