STEM Stuff

Tomorrow, Thursday, we will be building our Lunar Landers and Space Ships. Bring any building supplies you think you will need. I will have tape, paper, a glue gun, paper cups, popsicle sticks. Any other ideas and materials you may need, please bring!

OobleckWe will build a “Lunar Lander” then see if we can get it to stay a-float on our “Ooblek Lake”.

OR… you may have chosen to see if you can land a ship, with your astronauts, safely on the ground without them falling out.

See you tomorrow!

ABC Countdown this week…


L-Laughing Day. Jokes on you! Come prepared to share an appropriate joke with the class.

M-Marker Day. We can do all of our assignments in marker for the day.

N-New Silly Name Day. Choose a new name for the day!

O- Ooblek  and Outside Lesson (weather permitting)

P- Picture Day. Please bring a BABY picture of yourself, with your name on the back.


Front Row Ed Assignment (Teacher has assigned it)


Print: Customary lengths

Front Row Ed Link
Class Code: 2xpnjd

 Refer to the list below to PRINT their sort for the week.  

Spelling List Sort groups

Group 1- Presley, Ashita, Summer, Corbin
Group 2- Ammon, Jazmin, Lauryl, London, Kyler, Daegan, Paige, Matt, Jaxon. Donovan,   Claire
Group 3- Austin, Braxtyn, Jensen, Tylen, Hailee, JC, Bridger, Kelcey,  Kenzley,  Damian,Addie

ABC Countdown this week…


G-Game Day. Bring a board game to play. You can also bring an electronic device to play on (Parent approved of course!) Games will be kept in a safe place during the day and will be played during the last 30 min. of school.

H-Hat Day! Wear a silly or fun hat to school.

I-Incredible Talent. We will have a talent show. Come prepared to show or do something for the class.

J-Jump Rope Day. Participate in a jump rope challenge.

K-Kickball Day. We will play kickball with all of 2nd Grade!