
Math: Front Row Ed Math- NBT- Light Blue. Assignment #12 

They have an app for the IPad! “Front Row Ed”

Class code is 2xpnjd

Scores will go in the gradebook! Please do this assignment one time during the week. 

We have done this is class many times. Im hoping this is an easier program to use for math homework. I will list the assignment for the week like always, but with this program it is easier to find, and do! yeah!

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 1.46.23 PM
They will sign in and get to this screen. From here I will specify which domain they will use for the week. This week, they are going to use “Numbers and Operations” (The LIGHT blue one). Once they click on this, they will see this:

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 1.46.48 PMOn this screen, have them click on “Assigned Practice”.

Screen Shot 2014-11-20 at 1.47.14 PMThen they will scroll down to the week’s assignment. This week I want them to do assignment 12.
It shouldn’t take more then 10 minutes to complete. They are quick refreshers of what we are learning in class! When they finish their assignment, it will have them do adaptive practice (on their level).

I hope this program will work better, and be not so confusing! Let me know what you think.

Sorts Homework

Pink- Somer, Maggie

Yellow- Eli, Allee
Gold- Kandice, Nathan
Orange- Kohen, Garrett, Taigon, Ellie, Samantha, Tiegan, Carrie

Turquoise- Lizzie, Carter, EvaLyn, Aaron, Morgan, Kelton
Purple- Brielle, Tyler, Evie
Blue- Jaxon, Logan

I little change to HW

Students have been working so hard each night on their sorts, then they forget to submit Fridays submission for weekly accountability (example: I read for 20 minutes, I did my flash cards every night, etc.)

Therefore, I have added it to the same form as “Thursday Night Sentences”. It’s just at the end of their sentences. This way, when they work so hard all week on sorts, I can still see their accountability for their other homework, and they get full credit for weekly HW.  I hope this helps!

Also note that Math assignments have changed from Moby Max, to Front Row Ed (It seems to be easier to navigate). Math homework assignments will be put in the gradebook, be sure to complete them!


Friday (tomorrow) is an early out, dollar dress down day. Please remember your dollar in the morning if you haven’t already paid for your dress down pass. Students will be excused at 1:00pm, so please be prompt in picking them up (no later than 1:30) so everyone can begin their holiday.

Have a wonderful holiday break!! 



2nd Grade Baskets

Time to VOTE!

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                               U of U

Our baskets are amazing! Thank you for all the donations!!!

This was sent home today! Let all your family know that they can enter to win a basket for $1 a vote. If our grade gets the most votes, we will win a Percentage of the money to go towards an extra field trip or party for second grade!

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Moby Max Math: Keep working on current lesson( Subtracting 3-digit numbers). If you are finished, I want you to go onto Front Row Math and work on that

Login: First and Last name
Class Code: 2xpnjd

Pink- Somer, Maggie

Yellow- Eli, Allee
Gold- Kandice, Nathan
Orange- Kohen, Garrett, Taigon, Ellie, Samantha, Tiegan, Carrie

Turquoise- Lizzie, Carter, EvaLyn, Aaron, Morgan, Kelton
Purple- Brielle, Tyler, Evie
Blue- Jaxon, Logan

Monday-Cut and Sort with an adult and explain this week’s rule.

Tuesday- Put words in ABC order. Have your buddy (parent/ older sibling) check the order. Then write/type them in ABC order.

Wednesday- Buddy sort, then write/type the words in the “writing sort” section.

Thursday- Choose 6 of this week’s word study words. Write/type each word in a complete sentence. Each sentence must have at least 5 words. Underline each word in the sentence