Field Trip Announcement!

downloadWe get to go on a field trip!! Mark your calendars for Friday, September 26. We are going to Black Island Farms in Syracuse. Parent chaperones will be needed, so if you are interested please start making arrangements now. We are asking that no younger siblings attend this field trip. I will have a permission slip available soon on google docs for you to sign. I just wanted to give you a heads up about the date! We are very excited!!

Flash Card Practice

This year in 2nd grade we will work extra hard at math fluency (doing our flash cards fast!)
For part of our homework, I would like the students to be doing their flashcards a few minutes each night. They are making a set of flashcards at school that they get to take home next Tuesday, September 2. These will give them something to help them practice nightly. 

But…..of course I’m going to show you a way you can practice your flash cards online!
We have a web-based program called Xtra Math!

This gives them the opportunity to practice 5-10 minute each night, and track their progress. Using this program is optional, but a great resource. 

I will send home a parent letter on Wednesday, August 27, that will help you with the enrollment process. It will be on a colored sheet of paper, so watch for it! Here is the link to the program:

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Homework video

We have been practicing how to submit homework this week! I have made a tutorial for you to view to help you get a little more comfortable with the process of Homework Submission. The students did it today and do SO WELL!! 

When you e-submit your homework each week, you only have to print one thing at home…their actual word sort that they cut out, how cool is that!?!

Classroom Volunteers

School is getting off to a great start! I would like to start in-class parent Volunteers the week of Labor Day, Sept 2. If you are on my list of volunteers, from back to school night, I will start emailing you the time that I need you and what I will have you doing in the class. Morning volunteers will help with reading with kids, and afternoon volunteers will help with math fluency pass off (flash cards). If you did not have a chance to sign up and would like to, please come see me or email me. 

Please try and refrain from bringing younger siblings, it can be very distracting for our class. If this is not possible, I would be more than happy to send things home for you to do to try and help us out!

Also, if there is anyone that would like to help be a Class captain (Room Mom) to help plan our parties, we are in need. I have one volunteer already, but it would help to have two. Please let me know if you can help with this!

I appreciate all of your willingness to be here and help us have a successful year here in second grade!

Picture Day tomorrow!

Picture forms were sent home today, I have a lot of students that forgot them today in their cubbies.If you want to come grab it in the morning, you can fill it out if you want to order pictures.

OR you can order online at, Our school picture ID is UM044273Q0

We had a great day! Thanks for sharing your little smarties with me!