Homework (and Other Stuff)

Homework this week is just reading and math. We are reviewing concepts from previous chapters right now so homework is on MobyMax under Math. The kids can log in on my website or through the school blog. The user name is their first name and last name separated with a period (example: becki.smedley) with password of rams. Also, the last day of the quarter is next Friday so please make sure that any missing work is turned in as soon as possible!

Next, we have a month project that needs to be done at home. I have attached the directions Sons of the Utah Pioneers Essay Contest Assignment  but the kids brought directions home today as well. It is a Pioneer Essay writing contest. The First part is to do a five generation family chart starting with themselves and then going back 4 more generations (parents only, not siblings etc). This part is due January 15th. The second part is to write an essay about the life of one of their ancestors (if they have one that is a pioneer) or they can choose to do a trapper, mountain man, explorer or indian tribe if they do not have a direct relative that was a pioneer. Feel free to use the templates and any online information you can find to help you with this project! (It won’t attach right so here is a link to Mrs. Chidester’s blog that has the forms and examples.)

Finally, We are having our next field trip this month! The Permission slips for Capital Theater Field Trip came home today! We will be going to Capital THeater to see a live production! The kids will need to be best dressed for this and only 4 parents get to go with us. We are asking for a $5 donation to help cover the cost of this field trip. Please get permission slips back by next Friday the 15th at the latest! 

A lot of fun things are going on right now in our class! I sure missed these kids and appreciate all you do to support us here at school!

About Smedley

I am so excited to be joining Quest Academy and the 4th grade team! I have been teaching for 6 years and love my job! I earned my Bachelors in Elementary Education and Special Education from Weber State in 2008 and my Masters in Learning and Technology from WGU in 2012! I love teaching all subjects but Math is my favorite! I have 3 awesome kids (Macey 8, Mack 6 and Laker 4) and have been married to my amazing husband, Shaun, for 11 years! In my free time I love to travel, blog, and watch sports. We are die hard Utes and Lakers fans! We also love all things Disney and love to visit Disneyland as often as possible!
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