Author Archives: Smedley

About Smedley

I am so excited to be joining Quest Academy and the 4th grade team! I have been teaching for 6 years and love my job! I earned my Bachelors in Elementary Education and Special Education from Weber State in 2008 and my Masters in Learning and Technology from WGU in 2012! I love teaching all subjects but Math is my favorite! I have 3 awesome kids (Macey 8, Mack 6 and Laker 4) and have been married to my amazing husband, Shaun, for 11 years! In my free time I love to travel, blog, and watch sports. We are die hard Utes and Lakers fans! We also love all things Disney and love to visit Disneyland as often as possible!

Homework Sept 28-October 2

Sort Group GreenAlex, Josie, EliasSort Group RedChace, Conner, Max, Gabe, Brody, Ace, Troy, Hunter, Kaylee J., Ashlynn, Jaiden, Bella, Noah, Markus, Colin, Lorelei, Lexie, DawsonSort Group Yellow Kaylee M, Rowdy, Sebastian, DanielSpelling-Nightly Word Sort PracticeMonday: cut and sort words then write … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Conferences

I had a few cancellations for tomorrow night’s Parent Teacher Conferences. If you would like one of the time slots to come in an discuss the progress of your student please email me. The time available is 5:00. First email, … Continue reading

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Homework Forms Are Live

Some of you may have noticed my links were not active for the Tuesday homework. They are all now live and ready to use if you are choosing to use the electronic form for spelling practice. Thanks and have a … Continue reading

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Study Hall

As a fourth grade we will start implementing a study hall/ Fun Hall during the last 30 min on every Friday. We have talked about this as a class but will talk about it again this week.  What it will … Continue reading

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Field Trip Info

We have our field trip next Tuesday, Sept. 29th. Please note:We will be leaving directly after attendance so do not be late that day or you will miss the bus!All students and parents must bring a cold sack lunch in … Continue reading

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Homework Sept 21-25

There will be one change to homework this week to try to make things simpler for some parents. Students may do their sort in their notebook as they did last week or you may choose to submit it electronically on … Continue reading

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Pet Day!

Our class has been working hard on line up procedures in order to earn a reward. We earned our reward today by being in line and ready to go in 12 seconds! We are so excited that this coming Monday … Continue reading

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Day of Awesomeness!

Today was a FANTASTIC day! I am so proud of these kids work! Here are a couple pics of our computer time today doing work on Brain Pop (social studies and problem solving)! We also do our math on the … Continue reading

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Please remember to submit the homework form tonight or tomorrow morning. Also, some of the students got their Math homework done today at school. Feel free to skip math tonight or they can do an adaptive practice session on Front … Continue reading

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Attention Parents

Parents, I need your help! First, I am learning more and more about our kids and loving getting to know their individual personalities. We really do have a very fun class! Next, this morning our kids did a great job … Continue reading

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