Category Archives: Uncategorized

Practice Test

For homework today please do the Chapter 5 practice test instead of the homework I posted earlier this week. Here is the link. Chapter 5 Practice test

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Building Everyone Up!

We have had a much more positive classroom the last month or so but a couple of issues have been arising. First, please reinforce with your kids that when someone politely asks them stop doing something (talking, humming, tapping their … Continue reading

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This last week we made leaves for a Grateful Tree. We wrote on each leaf things we are grateful for! One of our awesome parents came in and hung our leaves on a tree! I sure am grateful for my … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Conferences

I have talked to a couple parents and have three appointment times available this Thursday. If you would like to request a meeting please email me. It would be sometime between 3:30 to 4:30 this Thursday. Thanks!Mrs. Smedley

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Spelling words

I have been adding additional spelling words to our spelling practice each week. They do not go along with the patterns or sorts they are 4th grade “Read Write Spell” words.  This week our words are:amountgardenraceresultbrotherYour kids practice them at … Continue reading

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Homework November 17-21

Word Sort Groups:Hulk Group sortIronman Group sortBatman Group sortThor Group sortMondayRead 20 minutesSort words and write them in your homework notebook. Math 5.4TuesdayRead 20 minutesSort words and write them in your homework notebook. Math (I noticed in looking at this particular assignment, that it could potentially cause … Continue reading

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Lattice Multiplication

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Area Model Double Digit Multiplication

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Baskets are Done!

Thank you for all of the help! Our baskets are over flowing! In facts we ended up having multiple baskets with all of the donations that we got from our awesome families! Thanks again for everything you donated! Now on … Continue reading

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Homework change

I am home with a very sick daughter today so I was not at school to teach lesson 5.1 today. Please hold off on doing that math assignment for homework until tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who has donated to our … Continue reading

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