Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thank you!

Thank you parents for following up with our kids about behaviors yesterday! Today was so much better! Also, Thank you for those who have donated to our field trip fund! We should have so much fun if we can get … Continue reading

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Lunchroom Behavior and Field Trip

Good afternoon. I wanted to let parents know that we have been struggling with behavior in the lunchroom. (Being disrespectful to the lunch ladies, not keeping our bodies to ourselves, not following directions the first time asked, asking others for … Continue reading

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Partial Product Multiplication

Here is something new we learned in math today.

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Week of November 9th-13th

Homework:Math: each student needs to create some kind of way to teach the class how to remember the multiplication facts. Each student will be assigned a number from 2-10. Please have your project (song, rhyme, trick, game, etc) ready by … Continue reading

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Field Trip!!!

Here is the permission slip for our Field Trip to Apple Store @ Farmington Station!Please read information on the permission slip carefully and email me with any questions.

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Prodigy and Google

I introduced the class to two new things today! They were very excited about both of these sites! First: Prodigy is a game that is highly engaging for the students and it reinforces Math concepts while they play. They may … Continue reading

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Week of November 2nd

I hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween weekend! Homework for this week is a continuation of the spelling words from last week and then reading 20 minutes per night and math practice on Counting and Operations nightly on I … Continue reading

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Spelling Sorts and Readers Theaters

We took a new leveling spelling test this week and I couldn’t be more proud of the progress of our kids! I have the new groups ready but because we ran out of time before pulling them to introduce the … Continue reading

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This Week in Our Class

This week in our class we are very busy but first let me tell you how much I love teaching your children! They are so funny and smart! I love seeing them grow every day! That being said, we continue … Continue reading

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We retested spelling today to adjust spelling groups so we will not start a spelling sort until tomorrow. Please complete the following homework schedule for this week. Remember to submit either on paper on Friday or on the electronic form … Continue reading

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