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TenMarks for Summer Learning!
Here is all the info you need to sign your child up! Enjoy! TenMarks Flyer
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Last Post from ME!
Hey this is it, the last week of school. I first want to thank each and every student and family for an incredible year! I have grown to adore every one of these students and am honored to have been a small part of their education. I am so excited by their progress this year and cannot wait to see the amazing things they will achieve in the future. Please keep in touch with me to let me know how you are doing! My personal email is, feel free to use it often!
To the parents: thank you for having such amazing students, and for sharing them with me! I am so very touched by the support I have received this year, and truly appreciate everything you have done for me! Thanks you from the bottom of my heart!
As you can probably tell, I am quite emotional today. My Mom passed away unexpectedly on Sunday. In order to help with the funeral arrangements, Tuesday will be the only day I am at the school next week. I know this is a horrible time to miss, but my Dad, the rest of my family, and especially me, need the support right now. I am going to try to stop by on Thursday sometime during field day depending on what arrangements are decided on. I truly apologize for this, but hope you can understand and forgive me.
Here is the schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Clean desks and classroom, finish portfolios, Ninja Warrior Assembly 9:00, finish iMovie projects. Lunch in class to spend pelts earned at the Rendezvous. School dismissed at 1:00!!!!
Wednesday: Math games, Talent Show 8:45-9:30. Yearbook will be distributed and students will have time to get signatures. Special T-Shirt Activity for field day! School dismissed at 1:00!!!!
Thursday: 8:30-9:00 Students are excused to go meet their teacher for next year. Students not returning to Quest will be supervised out back with the 5th graders. Field Day for the rest of the day! Students should wear their special t-shirt made on Wednesday! School Dismissed at 1:00!!!
Thank you for an incredible year! Please, keep in touch with me! I know this group of students is going to do AMAZING things in this world and I would love to hear of their successes!!!!
With all my heart!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
To the parents: thank you for having such amazing students, and for sharing them with me! I am so very touched by the support I have received this year, and truly appreciate everything you have done for me! Thanks you from the bottom of my heart!
As you can probably tell, I am quite emotional today. My Mom passed away unexpectedly on Sunday. In order to help with the funeral arrangements, Tuesday will be the only day I am at the school next week. I know this is a horrible time to miss, but my Dad, the rest of my family, and especially me, need the support right now. I am going to try to stop by on Thursday sometime during field day depending on what arrangements are decided on. I truly apologize for this, but hope you can understand and forgive me.
Here is the schedule for the week:
Tuesday: Clean desks and classroom, finish portfolios, Ninja Warrior Assembly 9:00, finish iMovie projects. Lunch in class to spend pelts earned at the Rendezvous. School dismissed at 1:00!!!!
Wednesday: Math games, Talent Show 8:45-9:30. Yearbook will be distributed and students will have time to get signatures. Special T-Shirt Activity for field day! School dismissed at 1:00!!!!
Thursday: 8:30-9:00 Students are excused to go meet their teacher for next year. Students not returning to Quest will be supervised out back with the 5th graders. Field Day for the rest of the day! Students should wear their special t-shirt made on Wednesday! School Dismissed at 1:00!!!
Thank you for an incredible year! Please, keep in touch with me! I know this group of students is going to do AMAZING things in this world and I would love to hear of their successes!!!!
With all my heart!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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One IMPORTANT Note about the FIELD TRIP!!!
Slight change in plans! If you are one of the parents who needs to pay for their own admission into the museum, please pay the $7.50 to the front office instead of bringing it to the museum! We need to make sure money is given to the office, not a teacher!!! You DO NOT need to do it before the field trip, just make sure it is turned in this week! SORRY for the short notice!
BrInG a JACKET….it looks like it is not supposed to rain, but it isn’t going to be super warm either!
bRiNg a COLD LUNCH…..I don’t want you to STARVE!
Be at the ROY station (on 4000 S) at 8:20!!! I will be at the NORTH end by the stairs!
-Mrs. Chidester
BrInG a JACKET….it looks like it is not supposed to rain, but it isn’t going to be super warm either!
bRiNg a COLD LUNCH…..I don’t want you to STARVE!
Be at the ROY station (on 4000 S) at 8:20!!! I will be at the NORTH end by the stairs!
-Mrs. Chidester
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Homework this week!
I forgot to post about homework! The only homework this week is to read 20 minutes each night!
-Mrs. Chidester
-Mrs. Chidester
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Notes for the WEEK!
It’s the last FULL week of SCHOOL!! Isn’t that crazy??
Here are the notes for this crazy busy week!
Monday: We will be working on our End of the Year Memory Books! I am excited to see what the kids come up with for this final class project! RENDEZVOUS PROJECTS are DUE!!!! We will also be talking about economics and getting ready for the Rendezvous!
Tuesday: More End of Year Books and a special project in the iMac lab to finish off the year!
Wednesday: FIELD TRIP! Meet at the FrontRunner station at 8:20! I have all the passes for students and parents, but remember to bring the $7.50 for the museum IN CASH if you are one of the parents that needs to pay. I will post the field trip groups Tuesday. Remember to bring a cold lunch!!! Pick your kids up at 2:45 at the FrontRunner Station! Please do not send your kids with electronics! I am NOT responsible for lost or stolen ANYTHING!
Thursday: We will be finishing our iMac projects, our books, and setting up for the Rendezvous!
Friday: 9:00-11:30: Rotations in the fourth grade classrooms! I need 3 or 4 parents who are not scared of getting crafty with fourth graders to volunteer in my classroom during this time. If you can help, let me know!!! It will be SUPER fun!! 11:30- 12:15: Clean up and set up the gym! 12:15-1:30 Movie and Pizza in the gym. I have two people who have not filled out the permission slip!! Please don’t make me give your child an alternate activity! We would love to have a few parents help during this time as well! 1:30-2:30 Economics Fair, all fourth graders will be in the gym buying and selling products. Again, we need some parents to supervise the madness……I mean… students to appropriate interactions and behavior while learning the in’s and out’s of a basic economy…..
Don’t feel like you have to come all day! Even if you can stop in for part of the time we would appreciate the help!
Let me know if you want to help! PHEW……after that you all deserve Monday off!
Thanks, -Mrs. Chidester
Here are the notes for this crazy busy week!
Monday: We will be working on our End of the Year Memory Books! I am excited to see what the kids come up with for this final class project! RENDEZVOUS PROJECTS are DUE!!!! We will also be talking about economics and getting ready for the Rendezvous!
Tuesday: More End of Year Books and a special project in the iMac lab to finish off the year!
Wednesday: FIELD TRIP! Meet at the FrontRunner station at 8:20! I have all the passes for students and parents, but remember to bring the $7.50 for the museum IN CASH if you are one of the parents that needs to pay. I will post the field trip groups Tuesday. Remember to bring a cold lunch!!! Pick your kids up at 2:45 at the FrontRunner Station! Please do not send your kids with electronics! I am NOT responsible for lost or stolen ANYTHING!
Thursday: We will be finishing our iMac projects, our books, and setting up for the Rendezvous!
Friday: 9:00-11:30: Rotations in the fourth grade classrooms! I need 3 or 4 parents who are not scared of getting crafty with fourth graders to volunteer in my classroom during this time. If you can help, let me know!!! It will be SUPER fun!! 11:30- 12:15: Clean up and set up the gym! 12:15-1:30 Movie and Pizza in the gym. I have two people who have not filled out the permission slip!! Please don’t make me give your child an alternate activity! We would love to have a few parents help during this time as well! 1:30-2:30 Economics Fair, all fourth graders will be in the gym buying and selling products. Again, we need some parents to supervise the madness……I mean… students to appropriate interactions and behavior while learning the in’s and out’s of a basic economy…..
Let me know if you want to help! PHEW……after that you all deserve Monday off!
Thanks, -Mrs. Chidester
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Notes for this week!
Only two more of these posts this year…….isn’t that SAD! Or happy depending on which side of the keyboard you are on 
Here you go, notes for the week!
-Homework: Read 20 minutes each night and complete three math activities! Make sure to submit your homework form by Friday! This will be the last week for homework and also the last week to turn in any missing work! Students were given a missing work report in class this morning so everyone should know what’s missing!
-I need to know as soon as possible who will be attending the field trip with us on May 20th. I want to make sure I get your FrontRunner passes! So far I have Jacoby’s Mom* and Grandma, Ashton’s Dad, Matthew’s Mom, Marlee’s Mom, Taylor’s Mom*, and Tyler’s Mom*. PLEASE let me know SOON! *Free for both the museum and the FrontRunner! Phillip and Kaily, your moms are free if they let me know for sure they are going. If not, I will have to choose another parent as the official chaperone!
-Testing is finishing up this week! We have SAGE Math on Monday and Wednesday, our last STAR tests on Tuesday, Our last spelling benchmark on Thursday, and I will be completing the Reading leveling in between all that! PHEW……your kiddos are going to sleep WELL by Friday!
-PLEASE check your house! I am missing several library books from my classroom library! They have my name on the back or inside cover! If you see them, return them as soon as possible! Also, LIBRARY Books are ALL due by Thursday! Don’t make Mrs. Anderson track you down!
-RENDEZVOUS projects are due on MONDAY! You should have 25 project ready to go! Remember to be creative. We will make the posters, decide pricing, and pick partners in class next week!
Thank you for all your support this year! I truly love and appreciate everyone in this class!
Enjoy your week!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
Here you go, notes for the week!
-Homework: Read 20 minutes each night and complete three math activities! Make sure to submit your homework form by Friday! This will be the last week for homework and also the last week to turn in any missing work! Students were given a missing work report in class this morning so everyone should know what’s missing!
-I need to know as soon as possible who will be attending the field trip with us on May 20th. I want to make sure I get your FrontRunner passes! So far I have Jacoby’s Mom* and Grandma, Ashton’s Dad, Matthew’s Mom, Marlee’s Mom, Taylor’s Mom*, and Tyler’s Mom*. PLEASE let me know SOON! *Free for both the museum and the FrontRunner! Phillip and Kaily, your moms are free if they let me know for sure they are going. If not, I will have to choose another parent as the official chaperone!
-Testing is finishing up this week! We have SAGE Math on Monday and Wednesday, our last STAR tests on Tuesday, Our last spelling benchmark on Thursday, and I will be completing the Reading leveling in between all that! PHEW……your kiddos are going to sleep WELL by Friday!
-PLEASE check your house! I am missing several library books from my classroom library! They have my name on the back or inside cover! If you see them, return them as soon as possible! Also, LIBRARY Books are ALL due by Thursday! Don’t make Mrs. Anderson track you down!
-RENDEZVOUS projects are due on MONDAY! You should have 25 project ready to go! Remember to be creative. We will make the posters, decide pricing, and pick partners in class next week!
Thank you for all your support this year! I truly love and appreciate everyone in this class!
Enjoy your week!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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One MORE permission slip…..
Hopefully this will be the LAST one! But, I think I said that last time… don’t hold it against me!
We have decided to reward the kids for an AWESOME year with a PIZZA/MOVIE party on the same day as the Rendezvous! The amazing people at Papa Murphy’s are donating the pizza for the entire fourth grade! Students will be given PIZZA and water, but are welcome to bring the rest of their lunch or a drink from home. School lunch will still be available on that day as well! While we munch pizza, we will be watching RIO or RIO 2! SUPER FUN! Lunch will start at 12:15 on that day so that we have a little more time.
Please sign the attached google form to give your child permission to participate!
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I am THRILLED, DELIGHTED, and want to SHOUT from the ROOF TOPS about your amazing kiddos! Our class scored 100% proficient on the SAGE Science test! That means 100% of our class scored a 3 or 4 on the test! Not only that, but 75% of the class scored a 4! That’s the HIGHEST score possible people! When we took the interim test in December, our class was only 36% proficient!! Yup, that’s right 64% growth in only 5 months!!!! Your kids ROCK! I am so incredibly proud of all their hard work! Please take a minute and congratulate them! I can’t wait to see their scores from ELA and Math in the upcoming weeks! Be ready to SHINE tomorrow for the second half of the ELA test! BEST CLASS EVER!!!!
Enjoy your evening!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
Enjoy your evening!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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This week’s crazy, busy HAPPENINGS!
WElcome to another crazy busy week in fourth grade! We have A LOT left to accomplish this week including another round of SAGE testing! Your kiddos AMAZED me on the Science test last week! I am so incredibly proud of them for the hard work and dedication during the first round of testing. I can’t wait to see what they can do on the rest of the tests!
Here are the notes for the week:
-Homework is normal this week. Spelling practice each night, two math activities, and read 20 minutes nightly. One slight change, for our last week of spelling, rather than do a word sort, we will be working on finishing the last of the high frequency word lists. I will meet with each student on Monday and give them the last words on their current list. They will be able to pass off up to 25 words on their list. This will allow those who are super close to passing off the list pass it off before the end of the year. Make sure you practice each night so that you can pass that list off!
-Important dates to remember this week:
Monday: SAGE ELA testing 11-12
Tuesday: Last DIBELS test 9:00 *Jack and Joseph present in Mrs. Lindsey’s Class
Wednesday: SAGE ELA Test 1-2
Thursday: Library-Last time to check out a book!
Friday: I will be gone all day! Be good for the SUB!
I think that is it for now! Thanks for all you do!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
Here are the notes for the week:
-Homework is normal this week. Spelling practice each night, two math activities, and read 20 minutes nightly. One slight change, for our last week of spelling, rather than do a word sort, we will be working on finishing the last of the high frequency word lists. I will meet with each student on Monday and give them the last words on their current list. They will be able to pass off up to 25 words on their list. This will allow those who are super close to passing off the list pass it off before the end of the year. Make sure you practice each night so that you can pass that list off!
-Important dates to remember this week:
Monday: SAGE ELA testing 11-12
Tuesday: Last DIBELS test 9:00 *Jack and Joseph present in Mrs. Lindsey’s Class
Wednesday: SAGE ELA Test 1-2
Thursday: Library-Last time to check out a book!
Friday: I will be gone all day! Be good for the SUB!
I think that is it for now! Thanks for all you do!
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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Book Fair Starts MONDAY!!!!
My favorite BOOK FAIR of the year starts MONDAY! Don’t miss out on the chance to get book Buy ONE get one FREE!!!!!!!
Here are the details:
Book Fair hours (jr high fair open before and after school and during lunch times):
Mon 5/4 8-330 (both fairs open all day)
Tues 5/5 8-330
Wed 5/6. 8-330
Thurs 5/7 8-330
We will be going to a special preview on Monday! This is a great chance to stock up for some SUMMER READING!
-Thanks, Mrs. Chidester
Here are the details:
Book Fair hours (jr high fair open before and after school and during lunch times):
Mon 5/4 8-330 (both fairs open all day)
Tues 5/5 8-330
Wed 5/6. 8-330
Thurs 5/7 8-330
We will be going to a special preview on Monday! This is a great chance to stock up for some SUMMER READING!
-Thanks, Mrs. Chidester
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