Notes for this week!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Here are the notes and upcoming activities for the week! 

1. Homework: Same as last week! We will not start spelling until next week so I can finish grading all the spelling tests and group kids appropriately! Remember to read 20 minutes at least 5 times this week, and complete a math fluency activity at least twice during the week! No math worksheet this week, instead all students need to log into MobyMax and complete the math placement test. We went over this in class and they should be able to find and complete it fairly easily! 

2. Our first installment of RAMS News was produced last week and is ready for the school to view beginning this week! I have posted it on our blog under the RAMS News tab so you can see how hard your students worked to produce our first RAMS News. From now on students will work in groups of 2-5 kids to produce the video for the school each week! I am excited to see what they come up with each week, so take a minute (or 15) and watch our RAMS News program! 

3. There is not a monthly project right now. I was going to assign a multiplication project, however, students have shown that they are competent with multiplication so I will giving them a different project instead. Look for details coming next week! 

4. FRIDAY is EARLY OUT and DOLLAR DRESS DOWN! Please pick kids up at 1:00. If you are available, I would LOVE some volunteers to come in on FRIDAY from 11:15-12:00 to help with our first class store! It works best if I have 3-4 helpers to run the store while I teach. If you can help, come on in about 11:15! 

Thanks, and have a WONDERFUL week! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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8 Responses to Notes for this week!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I can’t log into Moby Max. I am using Taylor Larsen for username, rams for password. Can you tell me if there is something else to try to log in, thanks


  2. Skyla Robinson says:

    I will help with the store on Friday! Thanks!

  3. Phillip Wallace says:

    Phillip says that his xtramath practice/certificates aren’t showing up for you. I have now attempted to re-enroll him under the parent account (even though he didn’t have one previously), but the website isn’t very user friendly; I hope it worked this time. He’s already passed off addition and is currently working on subtraction. Let me know if this shows the same for you.

    • becky.chidester says:

      He is enrolled, and I printed his certificate today! I will get it laminated and sent home as soon as possible! Thanks for making sure he was all set up!

  4. Sara says:

    I will try and be there Friday to help with the store. My husband has the day off too, so we’ll see if we can drag him in with me 🙂

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