Testing, Testing, MoRe testing, and SHORT DAY!

Hello- Just a few notes for FRIDAY and the long WEEKEND!! 


1. Tomorrow (FRIDAY) is short day and dress down! Bring a dollar or can of food to dress down and see you at 1:00! 

2. We have completed a BOAT LOAD of testing and WOW! I can totally why your kids are in the advanced class. RAZ Kids has been updated according to the A-Z leveling system given in class! I LOVED listening to each child read and ended up moving most kids up at least 2 levels, so WAY TO GO!!! Those changes have been updated on RAZ kids, so log in and be challenged! Spelling tests are graded(all most) and a few kiddos will be given the fifth grade list because they passed off most of the fourth grade list. I sent home a sticky note with your students star reading and math scores earlier this week. IF by chance you never saw that note, email me and I will get those scores to you! Next week we will be starting official centers with leveled spelling and comprehension groups. We will be reading fiction novels for our first book club book in centers, but will move to non-ficiton next. 

3. No school on MONDAY for LABOR DAY! So enjoy your long weekend! Please BE SAFE if you are traveling, and HAVE FUN!!!!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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